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Wednesdays POV:

I get dressed and walk out of the bathroom. I unlock the drawer and slam the hand into the desk and sit in the chair.

"Why are you here thing?" I say still gripping him. He signs to me "I can't say"
"I'm not above breaking a finger" I say pulling at his ring finger.

He taps rapidly.
"Ok ok yes they sent me to watch you" I scoff "I knew it" I say as I hear footsteps behind me I turn my head and look up at Enid.

"What the hell is that" "and where's the rest" she says with a scared look.
"This is thing. I don't know where the rest of him is it's a mystery" I say turning back to thing.

"Thing the way I see it you have two options. I lock you in this drawer the rest of the semester or you pledge your undying loyalty to me"
He puts up the number 2

"Good" I say letting him from my grip. We need to get to sleep. We've got detention tomorrow. I say standing up and looking at Enid.

"Goodnight Wednesday" she says turning the light off. "Night" I say about to go to bed.
"Oh hey Wednesday, since we're roommates could I get your number, since we're like friends" she says looking at me.

"You need to earn my friendship." I say getting in my bed.
"Ok I'll do that tomorrow!" She says jumping in her bed and getting under the covers.

We both fall asleep not needing much to get us to sleep since the day was stressful and annoying.

8 hours later.

I woke up to the alarm.  I groan and get up. Enid wakes up to her alarm. She goes to the bathroom and showers I get dressed and sit at my typewriter. Working on my novel until its was time to start the day.

Enid walks out the bathroom after about 20 minutes and she gets dressed. A free minutes past and it's time to go.

I put thing in my bag and we head out. We get to the detention hall. We go to our seats from yesterday.  I read my book while listening to music.

I put my book down after about and hour. I pull over another chair and put it infront of the one I had .  (They're the comfortable soft chairs in hospitals yk)

I put my bag on the floor letting thing out to stretch. I use my bag as a pillow and get comfortable across the two chairs. I close my eyes and put my jacket over my body and take a nap.

Enids POV:

I notice Wednesday sleeping in the chairs. Something pulls at the bottom of my pants. I look down to see "thing" I jump a bit

I pick him up and set him on the side table. He taps his fingers but I just raise my eyebrow. He goes across the room to a shelf and grabs paper and a pencil and comes back.

He writes on the paper and I read it

"hi, I'm thing" (he's writing Enid is talking)

"Hi thing" -E

"are you ok your very quiet"-T

"I'm ok I just don't want to wake up Wednesday." -E

"It's fine she's a deep sleeper" -T

"Oh ok" - E

"Just don't be too loud" - T

" I won't" -E

"Ok" -T

"Does Wednesday have any friends?" -E

"She's never had a real friend before"-T

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