its ok the feel like this.

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Wednesday's POV:

I sit in my normal spot. I stare at the wall thinking. Biting my nails. I never bite my nails unless it's something serious or important. This is neither.

I feel a tap at my shoulder, I look up to see yoko. "Can I sit" she says softly. I nod. She sits on the arm of the chair. She wraps her arm around my shoulders and has her head on mines.

"What'd she tell you" I say quietly.
"She said you didn't like the kiss" yoko whispers back.

"I didn't say that" I say in a whisper shout.
"She said it was a mistake" I add to my statement.

"She said tha cause you didn't say anything" yoko says sighing.
"She cut me off" i whispered shouted.

"And I did.." I say under my breath.
"Really?" Yoko says quietly playing with my braid.
"Yea" I say.

"Why do you trust me" yoko says sitting up.
"I..I don't know. You just a really good friend."  I tell her looking up.

"You know Enid says you're her best friend". Yoko says with a small but sad smile.
"I didn't know yoko sorry" I say grabbing her knee. (Not like romantic but comforting friend)

"you are like my best friend yoko" I say with a small smile. "Thanks Wednesday" she says. She puts her arms out for a hug.

I didn't even hesitate I just hugged her.
"Can you sit in the chair with me" I say softly as I pulled away.

"Yea sure" she says. She gets in the chair next to me. I put my head on her shoulder. She gets on her phone and scrolls on TikTok with AirPods. I draw in my scotch book. For about an hour

I was drawing  a landscape. But before I finished I start to fall asleep. I soon stop scribbling and I fully fall asleep.

Yokos POV:

I notice her hand stop moving so I look at her. She is sleeping. I turn to see what Enid and divina were doing. Enid was staring dead at me. It was kind of scary. But they were doing something with glitter.

Enid stood up and walked over to me.
"Hey Enid" I say quietly.
"Yoko what do you think you're doing" she says gesturing to Wednesdays

"It's not like that, she says she thinks of me as
best friend"  I say removing the pencil from Wednesdays hand.

"Seems like you two were flirting to me yoko"  she says crossing her arms.
"Enid what does it matter you told Wednesday that you guys's kiss meant nothing, you said it was a mistake"  I say whisper shouting

"And Wednesday actually enjoyed the god damn kiss Enid! You didn't let her speak before you ran off" I say whisper shouting again.

Enid stops for a moment and drops her hands to her side.
"She really said that?" "That she liked the kiss" Enid says slowly and softly.

"Yea Enid." I say scoffing.

"Oh" she says softly looking at Wednesday. Wednesdays head falls into my lap. I put my arm on her back aS if it was an armrest.

"She must really trust you" Enid says looking stiff with her hands to her side.

"Yea, she told me" I say.
"Yoko I like her" Enid says whisper shouting.
"I know Enid" I say with a smile.

"Ask her out or something, don't hide it. Y'know she She cried because you said the kiss was a mistake" I add.

"She did? Did she tell you that?" Enid says sitting on the floor next to the chair.
"No her eyes were a bit pink and she had a few dry tears" I say rubbing Enids head.

She swats my hand away, "I'm not a dog yoko"
"Ok ok fine" I say putting my hands up in defense.

I continue to rub Wednesdays back softly.
"Is divina sleep" I say looking at divina who had her head down. "Yea she said she was tired of you and Wednesday always flirting, and she said she really likes you but she thinks you don't pay attention to her" Enid says quickly . She stops and slaps her forehead and puts her hands over her mouth.

"Omg" she says under her breath.
"I wasn't supposed to say that out loud please don't tell her tha I said it" she begs me.

"Ok ok I won't" I say calming her down.
"But she likes me?" I sa squealing quietly.
"Yea" Enid says doing the Same.

"Mhh yoko what time is it" Wednesday says tapping my thigh. I check my phone.
"It's 1:42" I tell her.

"We leave at 3" I add putting my phone down.
"Ok thank you" she says sitting up yawning. She rests her head on my shoulder and just sits there ignoring Enid

After a few seconds of silence Wednesday leans over to my ear and says: "I heard you two talking" she leans back over and rests her head on my shoulder.

I put my arm around her and rub her arm in shock that she wasn't even sleeping... "go get divina and pull k se that big sofa and those 4 chairs" I ask Enid she nods with no question. She pulls over the furniture before going to get Div.

They put the furniture into a bed shape and I tell everyone to get comfortable on it cause we're gonna have a talk.

"Already you guys we need to talk" I say sitting up and making Wednesday sit upright.

That all agreee and listen to me.

"So everyone in here likes someone"
"And that person that everyone likes is in this room" I say all of them start to blush.

"Enid and Wednesday you too would be really cute if youd just talk about it" I say pointing at the both.

"And divina I like you, your cute and funny and you know how to swim" o say looking at her.
"I like you too" she says smiling and laughing.

"Now Enid and Wednesday need to say it to each other" I say looking at Wednesday.
Enid takes a deep breath, "Wednesday I think I. Like you" Enid says looking at Enid.

Wednesday looks at me, I give her a small nod.
"Enid I like you a lot, but you think that you like me. So when you figure out what you like please let me know" Wednesday says with no emotion on her face.

I raise my eyebrows in shock. Divina and Enid are gagged. Wednesday gets up "I'm going to the bathroom yoko" she says walking off.

Well Enid better make a decision....

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