The fight at morgart's

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Jade pov:

"you piece of shit ." Marc says angrily under his breath

"Anton, the lore surrounding these relics, i offer proof that it is real. This sarcophagus doesn't belong to any one. " Harrow says and then smiles.

"Anton, would you like to see for yourself?"

"Yes i would." Mogart replies.

Harrow bends down and puts his cane on the ground chanting which is most likely ancient Egyptian. Purple stuff wraps around his cane while people drop dead and the sarcophagus blows up, it is on fire burning what ever is in it.

"That's just a taste of the godly power offer."

"Hey, he's is gone." A guard says.

I smirk knowing that all of them are fucked.

"Where is he?" Morgart asks.

I lot of people shout and pointing the guns to the top of the pyramid where Marc is in his moon knight outfit.

When Marc hits some people with his crescent blades i take my blade out of the semes of my black widow suit that is under the normal clothes i have and stab the people next to me and Layla. I see people about to shoot but Marc covers both me an Layla from the bullets hiting us.

"Buy us some time." Layla says.

"I can do that." Marc says,

We run over buy the sarcophagus and try to collect the pieces of the map as fast as we can.

one of Mogart's guard try's to attack us but i sense him so i grab his arm and twist it he falls back a bit so i lift up my arm and hit him with a widow bite then grab my blade and cut his stomach so he is dead. I turn around and don't see Layla.

"Shit" I say under my breath and run to find Layla and see her down i run towards her when i get there i see mogart coming towards us.

"Layla,Jade!!!!" Marc yells.

He kills all the people holding him down and comes towards us and rolls us away before mogart can kill us and kills mogart with his crescent blade.

"Are you guys okay?" Marc asks,

"Yeah." We both say at the same time.

"Okay i will get a car to jump you guys get the bags." I said.

"Okay." They replied.

I leave and i find a jeep to jump after i finished jumping it i see Layla and Marc have the bags so i open the trunk.

"What is in your bag rocks?" Marc asks while putting the bags in the car.

"Weapon's mostly." I reply back.

"oh." Marc says.

"uh so who is sitting in the back because there is not enough room in the front?" Layla asks.

"I will." I replied.

We all get in the car and start driving.

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