Camille I

10 2 0

Halcyon - A period of time that was idyllically happy and peaceful


"Good morning everyone tuning in," Robin shuffled her papers in a straight line, looking directly to the prompter, "This is BBC One news, with me, Robin Smallwood. Our top stories today: President William Jones is visiting Spain to learn about his heritage for unknown reasons, with speculated connection to the coming election. A Cardiff Crisis of floods prompts the Civil Contingencies Secretariat to take action when the townspeople protest; scientists are conducting an experiment whether animals can identify celebrities, however, the Animal Protection Agency are claiming the experiment as unethical.

And now, BREAKING NEWS! Health crisis wrecks UK, English Health Organisation recommends staying inside to reduce the spread. Symptoms include headache, jaw pain, high blood pressure (can be seen in bloodshot eyes) and low red blood cell count (can cause paleness). If you record any of these symptoms, call an ambulance immediately.. With schools re-opening, people have been heavily protesting against this decision. Saying it is irrational and a danger to young people, as the spike in BBZ is beginning to prove. And as more pupils are going back to school - ages fourteen to eighteen - worry has begun to increase.

"The Prime Minister will giving a special announcement any minute. This is the first time The Prime Minister has given a speech in almost three hundred days: over to Ten Downing Street."

That's when I turned the TV off: I couldn't stand lockdown and God, I can't stand the Prime Minister.

The sun beat down harshly upon the kitchen window, the rays warming my school jumper with its autumn sun. It had been discarded haphazardly on the sofa upon my reluctant trudge down the stairs. Now I lounged in a plain white t-shirt tucked into my pleated navy skirt with an empty glass in hand. In the glass I could just make out my own figure, hair as dark as pitch (except for select strands of crimson that were a result of frantic teenage rebellion) framing equally dark indigo eyes. Both were completely at odds with my pale skin making for a strange visage in all. I averted my eyes, letting them focus once more on the uninspiring view outside I wasn't really taking in.

Frankly, they couldn't have made the uniform more uncomfortable if they tried harder. Itchy was one way to describe the unbearable irritation of rough material on smooth skin. The tie clung tightly to its holder, clenched around my neck like fists in the middle of a fight. When the skirt brushed against my legs. Poor year sevens, having to go through this for the first time.

Sighing, I stood from my sentry on the couch (nice bit of sibilance) and ambled towards where I knew a piece of jam toast lay just like every day. And just like every day a note lay on the counter, written in familiar scrawl.

Sorry love, picking up an extra shift tonight, the hospital is flooded with patients. Say hi to Dylan for me. I've left money in the draw for you to order whatever you want for tea,

- Mom x

They say doctors handwriting is meant to be abysmal, but it must be the practice because I can still read my mom's.

"Cam?" I heard someone call me from across the open area when I arrived at the school gates. Whirling toward the familiar jovial voice, I was confronted with my best friend. Due to his work experience opportunity at the local hospital, I hadn't seen much of him over the holidays. He had grown slightly, he was still taller than me and his fuscoushair was now longer than mine going just below his shoulders. The sun casting its rays to bring out the natural chestnut tones, so it looked like melted milk chocolate. "Who dumped a can of paint on you?" He reached out for my hair, trying to see if it permanently dyed (like he would be able to tell).

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