Matthew VII

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Avenoir – The desire to see memories in advance


Jason crouched down and dragged the rug away, a silver key underneath. "Bit of a stupid place to hide a key." I said.

"Oh, my fucking bad I'll work on that next time." He huffed.

The golden gate opened without a sound, apart from Jason's blemished skin touching the metal. The personal turning circle was even bigger on the inside (that's what she said) with no cars parked.

"Wait." Sami stepped in front of Jason and blocked him with his arm. "There's someone in there."


"Look up, the second window on the right." His back faced the house. I stared into the parted curtains at the figure. He must have lit a candle because his feature illuminated: his eyes a dark brown, his nose thin and slightly crooked, his hair split with loose bangs hanging either side of his thin, stubbled face. We stared at each other, but soon I wasn't looking at hickory iris', but at a glinting knife.

"Move!" I shouted, jumping out of the way and grabbing Camille who was stood directly behind me.

It sliced passed us, hitting the fence and a clang! echoed for all Rabids hear.

"I thought this was your house?" Dylan asked.

"It is you pillock." Jason snapped. "We just need to take it back." E held up the gun, pointing it at the window. But his arm wasn't steady without his left side for support. When he shot, it barely hit the window, slicing through the top corner.

He moved. "Where are you going?" Sami gently grabbed his arm.

"To take my house back!"

"They'll be waiting for us at the door!" Camille said.

"If we all run in together-"

I ran to the door, smashing it with my shoulder. They hadn't locked it, I found out, because I crashed through, shrapnel flying, straight to the marble floor. There was the guy with the crooked nose, staring at me like he didn't want to shoot. There were two other people with him, all with the same hair colour and the shortest one with the same nose. They were battered and bruised, too, one right next to short, crooked nose guy's eyes that looked to mine ready to tear my head from my body. "Alright guys?" I said.

Immediately, I turned and covered my head, face down on the floor. A shot rang out, so close to my ears they almost popped. Someone was hauling me up and thrusting my sword into my hand. The tall one had a baseball bat. I didn't want to swing first. A bat vs a sword? I was winning this. I don't know where the others went but there was glass breaking, bangs against walls and counters. He dropped the bat, shouting as he tried to pin me down. His whole weight on me, his face in a nasty snarl and his eyes radiating anger.

He wrestled the sword from my grip so tight I was sweating, but I thrust up, shoving him to the ground. Squeezing his wrists so tightly they turned red he wailed, eyes squeezed shut, so I took his baseball bat and hit him, hard, as hard as I could, around his head.

In a daze, I stood up, first one knee then using my hand to slowly rise on the other. Someone screamed, and it was so full of agony and hurt that I ran in the direction of it. In the kitchen, blood on all surfaces and everything that could be broken smashed to pieces. Camille was crumpled on the ground, hands on Dylan's unmoving stomach. His eyes wide open, staring in my direction, but nothing was moving.

"Dylan please!" She sobbed some more. "Wake up come on, you have to move." She turned to Sami, standing by her side. Everyone was still, even the two with the crooked noses. "WHY ISN'T HE MOVING?" She screamed.

I needed to go help- in my leg, something broke the skin. Something sharp but thin, but long and- fuck! It was more painful when the knife was pulled out. I hobbled to the wall as fast as I could, turning to see the man I thought I'd knocked out. Oh, my blood, it was on the large kitchen knife in his hands. Slowly blinking, the two others ran toward the one that stabbed me, and the one from the window spoke to him. "We're leaving. Now."

"I'm not moving Alex-"

"We're going." His word was final, because they were gone, but I didn't see anymore.

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