Sami IV

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Inertia - a tendency to do nothing or remain unchanged


Back in the car, we buckled up. Coming from the forest, there were a few Rabids stumbling over the fence trying to get to us, but they couldn't move fast enough. I could take my time, lining up to slide the seatbelt in, in one go, close the car door so it doesn't make a loud bang, and insert the keys gently to smoothly turn it in one go.

But I wasn't exactly thinking: seeing a Rabid set off my adrenal gland and my 'fight or flight' reflexes kicked in. Quickly, we made our getaway thanks to the cleared road. I've been trying to keep the days, to stay tuned in with the year, but I managed to lose count. It's probably been five, six, maybe even nine days since we arrived at the Donavan's.

"Can we stop off at the next services?" Camille asked, looking at me through the rear view mirror. Resting on her shoulder was Jason, eyes peacefully closed and content. There was also Dylan, face squished against the window and back hunched as he snored away.

I went to say yes immediately, but Matthew had to ask why. She looked everywhere but my eyes, "I need something."

"Need what?" Asked Matthew again. I know I can be clueless with some things, but he seriously needed to stop with these questions.


"What 'something'?"

"Sami." She sighed, turning to me. I did not want to get involved.

"When is the next service station?" I opted to ignore the 'take my side' stares from both. Matthew read one of the signs on the left, connecting that with the map and guessing how long it might take. Thank God he was top set maths.

"Ten miles." He informed

I looked back at Camille, "Can you wait that long?" She looked thankful I understood but somewhat uncomfortable in her situation. Nodding, she weakly smiled at me and went back to fiddling with the radio on her lap.

"Why did she-" He gasped quietly. And now the awkward atmosphere sets in...

Driving in silence at a relative pace, the static from the radio was louder than a lion in a completely soundless room. My eyes widened but I still kept them focused on the road ahead. She grabbed the attached walkie-talkie and pressed the button to talk. "Hello?" Urgently, she asked.


"Can you hear me? Hello?"

"I- can't- sig- lo?" It was cutting in and out, so we were close. We had to be close.

"Is anyone there?" That was a male voice on the other end, clearer the further I drove up. It got so clear that I stopped, turning off the car. Thankfully, it was brighter now.

"Yeah, yeah we're here, we can hear you."

"Where are you guys?" Camille asked first and we all eagerly waited for an answer.

"Camping out somewhere in the woods. There are a few Rezzers but nothing too major." I guess 'Rezzers' is their name for what we call Rabids, could be a shortened version of resurrected. "Who else is with you?"

"Four others." She replied, "What's your name?"

"Alex, you?"

"Camille." There was a slight silence, "We're headed south, try and cross to France. Do you want to join us?" Who said we were okay with bringing others with us? I don't want anyone else to be turned, but we do not have the room.

"Camille." Matthew said, like a warning. But she ignored him.

"Me and my guys are good. Looking for our sisters... How are you making it to Dover?"

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