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After the night's events, I barely remember sleeping, but I woke to bright lights and grey, metal walls with visible bolts. "Darling, you're awake!" Exclaimed Mum. She looked a lot older with deep wrinkles and greying hair. Quickly, she walked towards me and grabbed my arm. "Dad is waiting by the door, I've packed all your things." She was as bossy as ever. Already, I've barely blinked, and Mum was ushering me out of the metal bedroom that still had wrinkled, prison-white sheets.

I was so much taller than her now, but she still had more power. "Mum? Where am-"

"No time to waste!" Dad exclaimed. He'd gotten bigger with a beer belly and an untrimmed, grey beard and thinner hair.

"What's happened to-"

"The doors are opening today, Jason. The first time in ten years." Mum was all smiles, and her wrinkles really showed when she did.

Suddenly, there was the metal door. We stood, shaky and agitated, barely able to stand still. It was like aliens had invaded as the door opened: a white glow and shimmering white smog flooded inside the bunker. We waited, silent, Mum holding my hand so tight a vein would surely burst, for something, anything. We got our wish, as the groaning got louder, the dragging of feet built until a marching band, and the face of Camille, Dylan, Matthew, Sami, Shane, Anya, Mr Denny, everyone, appeared. Sunken eyes, cracking skin with puss leaking from all spots, and mouths vomiting blood. "Camille, Camille!" I tried to reason with her, but when she grabbed my arm it felt like it was tearing off.

Gasping for breath, I shot up in a flower-covered quilt and light painted walls. 

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