Camille VII

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Mokita - a commonly known truth nobody talks about


Before I could reach the steps, Jason called me to wait, and when he was by my side I smiled. He smiled back.

Thankfully, I was smart enough to pack a set of Meghan's thin but warm pyjamas. It was a pink top with long, flowing sleeves and a deep-cut neck paired with tight shorts that felt loose.

Jason called through to the bathroom, "Hey, have you seen-" but I already knew what he wanted. Sitting on the counter was the rabbit he carried around. A few times, I begged him to let Claire stitch it back together again, but he refused. I argued that a couple stitches wouldn't break it, but he still wouldn't budge.

"Here." I walked out of the room, loosely gripping the worn thing, because I will never throw it.

"Thank you." The look of distress faded, the worried lip turning to a smile, and large eyes creased at the side. "You look nice."

"Oh, thanks." I still didn't know how to take compliments.

"You would look even better without it on, though." He smirked at me.

I turned away from him, going through my, "So it's true? Guys only have sex on their minds?" Finished rummaging through, I turned around to see him raise his eyebrow at me.

"Your best friend is a guy."

"Yes, but a guy who's close with only girls. He's been influenced." I chuckled, and walked to the mirror, grabbing a brush Freddie left me and stroking it through my hair. It was softer than fingers, but at that thought the vision of Jacob's hand clawing at Jason's leg flashed through my mind. Suddenly, the brush hit the floor.

"What happened?" Jason was by me in an instant, but I couldn't say anything. In my mind, the moment replayed like a broken tape. Then, there came only something I'd dreamt about: what if I didn't get there in time? There's no maybe about it, because Jason would be dead. He wouldn't have his flushed skin, his soft brown eyes, his emotions that are worn so clearly on his sleeve. "Hey." He whispered, and then I felt a hand in my hair and a collection of bristles. Was he brushing my hair? Eyes snapping to the mirror, he looked so calm but focused as he combed through. "How is it so thick?" There was a tone of astonishment to his voice that made me smile.

"You tell me; you're the one who had all the hair products." I teased back, and he tapped my head. "You're supposed to be gentle."

"You deserve it." He hit me again, but we relapsed into silence. I don't know if I'll ever forget Jacob Meadowes.

"I like it here." Jason whispered when we were lying down, "Everything's easy." Can this boy not just sleep?

"But..." I can't believe I'm encouraging a conversation right now, "They did steal our food, water and fuel. We weren't invited here until they figured out we weren't a threat."

"OK, that was wrong. But," He said and I smiled, not finding his enthusiasm annoying, "We get three hot meals a day, and we have a schedule."

"Sami hasn't noticed anything weird, I guess..." Maybe this place was alright. Last time Sami was the first one to think something was wrong, but he hasn't said anything about Gemstone. "Our plan is to go to France, we really need to get moving." At first, France was a safe place. A place with no Rabids and no mass killings like in England right now.

Maybe the reason he doesn't want to leave is because his parents are here. Alive and well. They're trapped in a bunker and, if Jason really wanted, he could go back. After dealing with a family that dismembered the creatures, I wouldn't be surprised.

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