Jason I

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Attentive - failing to attend to the comfort or wishes of others.


From where I lived, I could see the stars. They glittered with flickers of light, shining like a constantly polished Olympic medal. Why in September is it already dark at like half five? Never have I wanted to be Charlie, my older brother, more: doing what I love in America, living in a luxury apartment paid for by his own pocket but the furniture a 'moving gift' from mum and dad, and weather that was beautiful.

When opening the door, I wasn't greeted. They both had offices downstairs they worked in for hours a day, only really coming out for dinner. Not that I'm complaining, really. During the time alone I do homework, I revise. One day instead of coming home and gormlessly watching TV, I decided to revise. That was about year eight, when my grades went from 4's and 5's, to 7's and 8's. Then, when it really mattered in year 9 and 10, most of them were 7's or above.

"Mum? Dad?" I called out, hoping to get at least one of their attentions. After shouting once more, I gave up and trudged my way up the stairs. I messaged Camille when I was there, sitting on the sofa bed with a German history book open.


How r u?

Fine, you?


Is ur mum back?

The roads look bad. If she isn't then she's probly stuck in that

Thank you

It didn't seem like she wanted to talk, which I can't blame her for. After today? I wouldn't want to either.

I called Shane, too. He asked how I was, I asked how he was, and he said some 'crazy shit's happening.' I don't know why I didn't tell him what happened earlier with Anya and the Headmaster.

Sighing, I loosened my tie and began to change at a lethargic pace. All my muscles seemed to gain dumbbells and they struggled to not let the blocks of iron and stainless steel crush them.
Afterwards, I, for once, did not know what to do. A useless, bored feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. Therefore, I decided to stick my earphones in, put on a playlist, and just lie on my bed.

Hands on my stomach, I closed my eyes to allow myself to feel, to think or to not. With what was playing in my head there was not much else to think of apart from the booming drums and the electric guitar.

It was playing so loudly, or I was so immersed in whatever was thrumming in my ears, I didn't see my frantic mum or heard her storming steps to my somewhat silent room.

Usually, mum was all prim and proper with gracious - and fake - smiles. Never did mum want to show she was stressed, tired, or anything similar.

"Jason William!" She sternly cut when I casually took my earphones out and stretched while sitting up. "Come pack." She rushed. Instead of being prim she was dishevelled, hysterical and not proper, all worried lips and stressed eyebrows with no fake smile in place.

"Pardon?" I asked, looking at her in almost complete confusion. Maybe if I was in a better headspace, I would have guessed she knew about what was going on.

"The news?" She looked at me like I had a second head, "The... Things! Those cannibals that are tearing people apart." As quickly as she could, mum folded and stuffed my clothes in my bag.
"Where are we going?" I asked, hopping from the seat like my feet were burnt with fire. I helped her.

"You remember when your dad and I had builders over a few years ago? And we've told you to stay away from the bottom of the garden?" I nodded: I actually listened when they told me not to go there. Like I listen to everything they tell me to do.

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