Saiko 💕 🎸

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Name: Saiko Bichitaru

Occupation: Rockstar

Friends and family: Mario (Brother-in-law), Meggy (Sister-in-law), Luigi (Husband), Desti Octofait (Wife), Largret (Daughter), Eva Spletzer, Jay Spletzer, Eddie Spletzer, Maya Spletzer, Scarlett Spletzer, Mabel Spletzer, Misty (youngest niece), Melony (oldest niece), SMG4, Tari, Belle, Rob, Whimpu (Little brother), Kaizo (Older brother), Jubjub, Bob, Boopkins, Shroomy, Lamar, Sofia, Swag and Chris, Theo, Lucinia, Marco, Masa, Evelyn, Satsuki-Chan, Bo, Karen, Katie, Zach, Cory, Axol, SMG3, and Auri Bori.

Enemies: Kaizo (Formerly), Bowser, Wario, Waluigi, Francis (Deceased), Niles (Deceased), SMG4 (It's gotta be perfect), Bob (Rapper Bob arc), Nintendo, Lawyer kong (Deceased), SMG3 (Formerly), Zerø, One Shot Wren (Deceased), and the anime cartel.

Personality: Loving, protective, flirty, caring, sweet, kind (mostly), and somewhat easy to trigger.

Powers and skills: Martial arts training, guitar skills (can create soundwaves as Guitar Heroine), hammer, superhuman physique, shotgun, motorcycle, and combat skills.

Goals: Stop Waluigi from ruling earth, stop Francis and the anime cartel, help stop Zerø, help stop One Shot Wren and help Meggy save everyone in the simulation, stop SMG4 from going crazy, help stop Lawyer Kong from controlling Nintendo and suing SMG4, and succeed at becoming a Rockstar along with Kaizo. (All succeeded) Help stop SMG3 from taking over YouTube (temporarily failed; later succeeded thanks to Mario). Help end the war between the kingdoms and protect her family and friends (ongoing)

Likes: Her family (Luigi, Desti, Largret, Mario, Meggy, Misty, Melony, Eva, Jay, Eddie, Mabel, Maya, Scarlett, Whimpu, Kaizo, and Axol) Her friends (SMG4, Tari, Belle, Rob, Whimpu, Jubjub, Bob, Boopkins, Shroomy, Lamar, Sofia, Theo, Lucinia, Marco, Masa, Evelyn, Satsuki-Chan, Bo, Karen, Katie, Zach, Cory, and Auri), KFC, rock and roll, flirting with Luigi and Desti, and playing with Largret.

Dislikes: Her family and friends being in danger, her guitar being broken, Bob and Boopkins, her enemies, Swag and Chris, simps, and Largret being sad

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