Belle🧡🎮, Whimpu🩷😍, Jubjub💚👶, and Rob🧡🖤🌽

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Names; Rob Robkowski, Belle Frontierre, Whimpu Bichitaru, and Jubjub Boopkins.

Friends: Mario, Meggy, Misty, Melony, Eva, Jay, Eddie, Mabel, Maya, Scarlett, Axol, Luigi, Saiko, Desti, Largret,Boopkins, Bob,Karen, Katie, Zach, Cory, Tari, SMG3, Swag, Chris, Auri Bori, Hal Monitor, SMG4, Tari, Lamar, Sofia, Theo, Lucinia, Marco, Masa, Evelyn, Satsuki-Chan, and Bo

Enemies: Bowser, Wario, Waluigi, SMG3 (Formerly), Zerø (Deceased), Niles (Deceased), SMG4 (It's gotta be perfect), SMG4 crew (Formerly), Lawyer Kong (Deceased), Nintendo (Lawsuit arc), and One Shot Wren (Deceased)

Personalities: Belle - (Sassy, friendly, flirty (to SMG3), and somewhat sweet)

Whimpu - (Shy, cowardly, sweethearted, and lustful (for anime))

Rob - (Prideful (of corn), arrogant, self-centered, and caring (mostly))

Jubjub - (loving, friendly, cowardly, sweethearted, forgiving, and optimistic)

Skills/Weapons: Belle - (Skilled video gamer, high intelligence, robot arm (can hack into anything, turn into an arm cannon, and scan people),and some combat experience)

Whimpu- (Minor martial arts training and high intelligence)

Rob- (farming skills and scheming skills. (Suprisingly))

Jubjub- (speedy swimming and skateboarding skills)

Likes: Their friends (Mario, Meggy, Misty, Melony, Eva, Jay, Eddie, Mabel, Maya, Scarlett, Axol, Luigi, Saiko, Desti, Largret,Boopkins, Bob,Karen, Katie, Zach, Cory, Tari, SMG3, Swag, Chris, Auri Bori, Hal Monitor, SMG4, Tari, Lamar, Sofia, Theo, Lucinia, Marco, Masa, Evelyn, Satsuki-Chan, and Bo), video games (Belle), anime (Whimpu, Jubjub, and Rob), corn (Rob), SMG3 (Belle), hanging out, and making friends.

Dislikes: Their enemies, being tricked, Swag and Chris (Sometimes), corn being disrespected (Rob), and losing to Belle (Rob, Whimpu, and Jubjub)

Goals: Help Mario stop SMG3 from taking over YouTube and get his friends out of the internet graveyard, help stop Zerø, help stop Lawyer Kong from controlling Nintendo and suing SMG4, help Meggy save everyone in the simulation and stop One Shot Wren, and help stop SMG4 from going crazy(All succeeded)

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