Karen, Zach, Katie, and Cory🐱

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Names: Karen Kat, Zach Kat, Katie Kat, and Cory Kat.

Occupation (For Karen): Bank teller, coffee shop worker, store clerk, and laundromat owner.

Friends: Mario, Meggy, Misty (Katie's girlfriend), Melony, Eva, Jay, Eddie, Mabel, Maya, Scarlett, Luigi, Saiko, Desti, Largret, SMG4, Tari, Belle, Rob, Whimpu, Jubjub, Bob, Boopkins, Shroomy, Lamar, Sofia, Theo, Lucinia, Marco, Masa, Evelyn, Satsuki-Chan, Bo, Axol, Hal Monitor, and Auri Bori.

Enemies: Bowser, Wario, Waluigi, Nintendo, Lawyer Kong (Deceased), unnamed ex-husband/father, SMG4 (It's gotta be perfect), and One Shot Wren (Deceased)

Personalities: Karen - Hardworking, easily agitated, crabby, caring, and protective.

Katie- Sweet, timid, extremely friendly, and playful.

Zach - A bit mean, protective, caring, and sometimes friendly.

Cory - (Has the same personality as Katie, only he's a bit odd sometimes)

Goals: Help stop Lawyer Kong from controlling Nintendo and suing SMG4, help stop SMG4 from going crazy, and help Meggy save everyone in the simulation (all succeeded) Get revenge on their ex-husband/father (Ongoing)

Powers and skills: Karen (Skilled in combat, multiple firearms, and cat physiology/reflexes)

Katie (Cat physiology/reflexes and intelligence)

Zach: (Cat physiology/reflexes)

Cory: (Cat physiology/reflexes)

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