Tari 💙 🎮

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Name: Tari Porter

Occupation: Video gamer

Family and allies: SMG4 (Husband), Sofia (Oldest sister), Lucinia (Older sister), Meggy (Best friend), Melony (oldest niece), Misty (youngest niece), Mario, Luigi, Belle Frontierre,Bob, Boopkins, Whimpu, SMG3, Axol, Jay, Eva, Eddie, Mabel, Scarlett, Maya, Theo, Marco, Masa, Evelyn,Swag and Chris, Satsuki-Chan, Lamar, Bo, Hal Monitor, and Auri Bori

Enemies: Evelyn (Former Archenemy), Waluigi, Francis (Deceased), SMG3 (Formerly), Belle (Formerly), Whimpu (Formerly), Rob (Formerly), Jubjub (Formerly), Zerø (Deceased), One Shot Wren(Deceased), Lawyer Kong (Deceased), Peach, Toadsworth, Bowser, Wario, and SMG4 (It's gotta be perfect)

Likes: Her family (SMG4, Sofia, Lucinia) Her friends (Mario, Meggy, Misty, Melony, Eva, Jay, Eddie, Mabel, Maya, Scarlett, Luigi, Saiko, Desti, Largret, Katie, Zach, Cory, Karen, Kaizo, Whimpu, Jubjub, Bob, Boopkins, Shroomy, Lamar, Masa, Evelyn, Satsuki-Chan, Bo, Hal Monitor, Auri Bori, and Axol), video games, fruit, rubber duckies, and cuddles with SMG4

Dislikes: Getting scared, SMG4 overwhelming himself, her enemies, Swag and Chris, seeing cute animals dying, and her friends being hurt.

Personality: Shy, friendly, cowardly, loving, sweet, kind, gentle, caring, respectful of others, and flirty (sometimes)

Goals: Help stop Waluigi, help stop Francis, help stop Lawyer Kong, stop TAScorp and Evelyn, help save Meggy, help stop One Shot Wren, and help Meggy save everyone in the simulation, stop SMG4 from going crazy, help stop Zerø from destroying the universe. (All succeeded) Help stop SMG3 from taking over YouTube (temporarily failed; later succeeded)
Help stop Bowser and end the war between the kingdoms, and befriend everyone who is nice(ongoing)

Powers and skills: Skilled video gamer, high intelligence, robot arm (can hack into anything, turn into an arm cannon, and scan people), portal creation (as Void), and some combat experience.

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