The defenders 🦸‍♂️🦸‍♀️🦸(Minus Mario)

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Team members: Immortal (Deceased),(Brandon Grayson), Morgana (Deceased), Poseidon (Paul Moon) (Deceased), Comet Girl (Cassie Brady), Northwind, Speed Demon (Elena Griffin), Shadow Queen (Amanda Myers), Bullseye (Floyd Greenberg), Turbo (Thomas Jones), Shrinking Rae (Rayna Thompson), Angel (Gloria Waters), Cryos (Jameson White), Ditto (Diane Harper), Molly Fitzgerald (Iron heart), Seth Fitzgerald (Reptile), Paul Tucker (Prismo), Eva Griffin (Boltstrike), Alistair Maximo (Presto), Prince Triton, James Calvin (Watchdog), Arthur Johnson (Heat crash), Charles Lucas (Detective Hindsight), Kenneth Davis (Road Hog), Harper Robin (Soundwave), Abigail Lucas (Magnetic), Mina Finster (Midnight), Drake Myers (Ludacris), Liza Jones (Blood Demon), and Xavier Dawson (X-plode)

Occupations: Heroes/Gods/soldiers/cyborgs/and Detectives

Personalities: Immortal - (Serious, heroic, easy to trigger, and caring)

Morgana - (snarky, serious, heroic, a bit rude, and generally caring)

Poseidon - (friendly, optimistic, sometimes serious, and heroic)

Northwind - (Extremely serious and heroic)

Comet Girl - (Heroic, serious, and caring)

Bullseye - (Same as Northwind, but more laid back)

Shadow Queen - (Heroic and friendly, but also serious)

Speed Demon - (Same as Shadow Queen)

Turbo - (Easy to anger, heroic, caring, protective, and vengeful (against his enemies))

Rae - (Same as Turbo, but not easy to anger or vengeful)

Angel - (Very easy to scare, shy, kind, caring, sweet, and sometimes brave)

Presto - (Kind, heroic, somewhat prideful, and team co-operative)

Cryos - (a bit chaotic, but also friendly and kind)

Reptile - (Easy-to-anger, caring (mostly for his sister), aggressive, and violent (mostly to villains))

Iron heart - (friendly, inventive, caring, and a little aggressive)

Boltstrike - (friendly, co-operative, caring, and protective)

Triton - (Has the same personality as his father, Poseidon)

Prismo - (friendly and heroic)

Ditto - (friendly, shy, and heroic)

Watchdog - (friendly, energetic, and fearless)

Hindsight - (Heroic, serious, and extremely protective)

Midnight - (serious, heroic, and friendly)

Road Hog - (Serious and caring, but also cold sometimes)

Blood Demon - (Calm, friendly, positive, and serious (especially in combat))

X-plode - (Crazy, energetic, chaotic, and caring (sometimes))

Magnetic - (Same personality as Hindsight, but she's more caring)

Soundwave - (energetic and carefree, but also serious when necessary)

Heat crash - (Sometimes calm and laid-back, but other times, he's literally a hot head)

Ludacris - (energetic, laid-back, caring, but serious when he needs to be)

Powers/abilities/weapons/skills: Immortal - (Superhuman strength, speed, durability, agility, healing, and endurance, heat vision, ice breath, martial arts training, dimensional yell, flight, and immortality)

Morgana - (Telekinesis, goddess physique, matter manipulation, and combat training)

Poseidon - (superhuman physique, atlantean biology (can breathe underwater and on land, and can communicate with sea life), water manipulation, super speedy swimming, leadership abilities, and his all powerful trident (can control the ocean, control lightning and ice, and create storms)

Northwind - (Superhuman physique, flight, and a blade-like tail)

Comet Girl - (Flight, superhuman physique, and her energy gauntlets (create objects and weapons, fire energy blasts, and control yellow energy constructs))

Bullseye - (Martial arts training, shotgun, marksmanship, a machete, and several trick arrows (explosive, hail, poison, net, sonar, smoke, and boxing glove)

Speed Demon - (Superhuman speed and strength, can phase through solid structure, run fast enough to slow time, and charge an electric pulse and fire it)

Shadow Queen - (Shadow manipulation, possession, and can create shadow weapons)

Turbo - (Arms can turn into multiple weapons, can fire energy blasts from his arms and power core, and if his robot limbs break off, he can reattach them)

Shrinking Rae - (Can shrink and grow in size, hand to hand combat training, and her knowledge of the microverse)

Reptile - (Reptile morphing (superhuman physique, claws, teeth, venom, fire breathing (in dragon form), regeneration, wall crawling, swimming, and snake constriction)

Angel - (Superhuman physique, healing, hand to hand combat, and medical practice)

Ditto - (Superhuman physique, dupli-dagger (which can shoot energy needles and multiply them when fired), and multiplication)

Boltstrike - (Has same powers as Speed Demon and Shadow Queen, minus the possession and shadow weapon creation)

Presto - (Magic wand (can create portals, teleport, can create clones, mystic whips, and send people to the pocket dimension)

Cryos - (Superhuman physique, cryokenesis (ice manipulation), ice breath, martial arts training, ice vision, and electricity manipulation)

Iron heart - (Multiple mechas, high intelligence, control module in her glasses, and her own AI companion M.A.X)

Triton - (Same powers as Poseidon)

Prismo - (Eye lasers, laser bombs, laser guns, heat seekers, and laser cannons on his eyes and chest)

Watchdog - (dog senses, speed, bite force, high intelligence, and a third eye on his forehead that allows him to send energy waves)

Heat crash - (Pyrotechnics, pyrokinesis, flight, superhuman physique, and fire absorbtion)

Hindsight - (Has a third eye, which allows him to see in the future, see far distances, and skilled in judo)

Road Hog - (Has a serum that turns him into a wild boar, superhuman physique, shotgun, motorcycle with mounted machine guns, and a hooked chain)

Soundwave - (Creates supersonic sound blasts, creates shockwaves, flies with jet boosters, sounds cannon, and high-pitched hearing)

Magnetic - (Can manipulate iron, gold, titanium, and other metals, flight, superhuman physique, and energy blasts)

Midnight - (She can cause knock people out with sleeping gas, acrobatic and judo skills, dream manipulation, and superhuman physique)

Ludacris - (Highly energetic and agile, can control green fire and electricity with his gauntlets and superhuman physique)

Blood Demon - (Has mechanical wings, martial art skills, knife gauntlets, and blood manipulation)

X-plode - (Can create explosions using his nitrogauntlets, can fly short distances by the explosions impact, and has acrobatic and bartitsu skills)

Goals: Help Mars and Saturn's people stop alien invasions, protect the citizens of earth, bring Mario to his sentences when he went to kill Gear Head, and stop Gear Heads army and team from taking over the universe (All succeeded; ongoing)

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