13. Reunion

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True to her word, Taylor ran off the stage on Sunday night straight into the car and to her plane to take her to Travis. She couldn't get to him quick enough. As much as she tried to settle in, even on her luxury plane, she knew sleep would not be easy tonight with the butterflies dancing around in her stomach.

Thousands of miles away in KC, Travis wasn't having any better luck settling in for the night. After a big win and a record breaking reception he would have been excited enough, feeling the adrenaline in his body. Add in his gorgeous girlfriend on a plane at this very moment on her way to be with him for a whole week? Not a chance.

He attempted to distract himself with cleaning up the house, wanting everything to be perfect for her arrival. Travis had already had the fridge stocked with all of her favorite foods and white wine, the pantry was overflowing with snacks and treats. He had a bouquet of her favorite flowers placed on the entry table for her to see as she walked through the door. He walked by the guest room, chuckling to himself as he recalled the first time Tay had stayed over and he had dutifully set up the guest room as to not pressure her into sleeping in his room. Safe to say that bed stayed perfectly made all weekend as his bed very quickly became their bed. 

Taylor had been to the house several times at this point, but something about this made him feel the same anxious excitement he did the first time she came over. Was it the length of time it had been since they had seen each other? Was it that this was the first time she would be here since saying "I love you"? Was it because so much had happened since he last held her? He wasn't sure but he knew this feeling wasn't going anywhere. He decided on making himself a quick drink to help with the nerves and anticipation, before hopping in the shower.

In the shower, Travis had to actively stop his mind from wandering to thoughts of her being in there with him the next day. His body was reacting too quickly to the idea of her naked body next to his in such close quarters. "Fuck" he sighs, frustrated at his mind and body for betraying him when there is nothing she can do to help. Quite frankly, he had grown quite tired of his own hand over the last two weeks, even with the help of FaceTime and his very willing, very sexy girlfriend. 

Knowing this situation wasn't going to go away on his own, he took matters into his own hands, literally. He held his cock in his hands, wishing it was her hand instead, knowing that soon enough he wouldn't be left to his own devices. Picturing Taylor with nothing on but suds from the soap, hair falling into it's natural curls on her shoulders, and her hands on him was too much to take for very long. 

Feeling at least some sense of relief, but not nearly enough, Travis climbed into the very empty bed to watch a movie. After finally settling on an Adam Sandler movie he had seen a million times, he got comfortable, hoping to fall asleep quickly. After a short while of laying there twiddling his thumbs, he gave up on the movie and turned to his phone. He quickly found himself scrolling through fan edits of his precious moments with Taylor. Most made him smile, some of the more ridiculous ideas made him laugh, but mostly, they all made him so freaking excited for her to land. He finally drifted off to sleep later that night, willing the hours to go by more quickly.

Travis woke up in the morning to his phone ringing, rolling over slowly, he grabs his phone and smiles at his girlfriends face lighting up his screen.

"Reunion day, babbayy!" Travis says groggily, his smile evident in his voice.

"WOO! I'm sorry I woke you baby," Taylor giggled into the phone, "I couldn't wait to call you. We just landed in Tampa, we're refueling and then I'm right back in the air heading to you!"

"Get here, baby, I'm ready for you." Travis and Taylor said their goodbyes as the plane gets ready to take off, each of them feeling giddy with what is to come in the next few hours.

Taylor was expecting to land and have security drive her to Travis' house but he knew he couldn't just sit back at home knowing she was in the same state as him. Way too early, he grabbed his car keys and headed to the airport, wanting to be the first person she saw as soon as the plane door opened.

The plane landed on the tarmac and Taylor immediately texted Travis, "I'M HEEEERE! Running to the car now, see you so soon, my boy." Little did she know, that text only had to travel a couple of feet to make it to Trav. She gathered her things and started to head down the plane stairs when she looked up and saw him. 

There he was. Her perfect man standing with his hands tucked into his pockets, leaning on his green Rolls Royce. The minute he saw her, his eyes lit up and he broke out into a huge grin, standing up straight, he started to make his way towards her. Her breath catching in her throat, she immediately became emotional at this unexpected surprise. 

She should have known. He has never failed to go above and beyond for her at every opportunity, making her feel like the only thing in the world that mattered to him.

The minute her body was able to catch up with her mind, she dropped her things and ran straight into his waiting arms, not giving a fuck what cameras may be around to catch the moment. Being with him was the only thing that mattered in this moment.

Travis immediately caught her, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist and lifting her off the ground, spinning as he burrowed his head into her neck, kissing her skin as soon as he made contact. He breathed her in, forcing himself to recognize that she was really here, back where she belonged. "Welcome home, baby girl" he said into her neck as he gently set her down on the ground. 

Without responding, Taylor moved her hands from around his neck to hold his face before bringing her mouth to his, kissing him as deeply and passionately as ever before. She was home. He was her home. He very quickly returned the kiss, wanting to make up for all the time apart in one moment. 

Taylor reluctantly pulled back ever so slightly, just so their lips were no longer connected, "Hi" she said breathlessly before he crashed their lips back together. "You're here?!" She said surprised, remembering quickly that this was not the plan. 

"Nowhere else in the world I would be right now, girly" Travis said, still holding her tightly in his arms. He placed a sweet kiss to her forehead before slowly releasing her, one arm still remaining around her waist as he begins to pick up her things and and pack up the car, very ready to take his woman home. 

Part 2 coming soon!

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