15. Taking Care

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Taylor cackled as her body was unexpectedly heaved in the air, landing on Travis' shoulder with a gentle thud. "A little impatient are we there, Trav?" Taylor asked, mocking her boyfriends urgency as he heads towards the shower.

"Your legs may be perfect and long but they were moving too damn slow."

Taylor laughed at his reply and said back quickly, "That's okay, I don't mind the view from up here" as she grabbed his ass with both of her hands, arms dangling over his shoulders. "My little tight end."

"Who are you calling little?" Travis asked, pretending to be insulted.

"I'm sorry, oops, I meant my big, strong, thick, man..." she replied teasingly.

Travis stopped walking abruptly, now entering his bedroom, and quickly repositioned Taylor so that she was in front of him, legs wrapped around his waist, both still completely naked.
"You better watch it, girly."

"Or what?" Taylor replied back, making direct eye contact, not blinking or backing down.

"Ohhh oh you're on one today aren't you" Travis laughed, continuing to walk towards the shower with Taylor wrapped around him. Taylor hugged him tightly as he walked, so grateful to be with someone who was able to move between sexy and serious, to silly all in a moments time. Add it to the list of things she is currently obsessed with about him.

Not effected by the weight of Taylor on him at all, Travis proceeded to turn on the shower and pick out two towels with her wrapped around him tightly, enjoying the closeness. As they entered the shower, Travis slowly walked underneath the water, enjoying seeing the look of comfort on Taylor's face as it fell down on her. He watched her for a second before slowly leaning in to kiss her, gently pressing her back up against the shower wall.

This kiss wasn't like the previous one. It was slow, loving, and meant to be enjoyed. Taylor started kissing him back with the same affection and adoration, squeezing her body as close to his as possible.

"I really missed you," he says earnestly as he rests his forehead against hers.

"I missed you too. So much. I'm so glad I'm home" she said, matching his soft, quiet tone.

Her arms quickly found their way tightly around his neck, pulling him as close as physically possible, kissing him slowly as the warm water poured down on them, neither willing to be the first to pull away. 

When air became a necessity, Taylor reluctantly pulled away and looked into Travis' eyes, noses touching. She quietly said, "I think you're the love of my life."

There was a new shininess in Travis' eyes as he smiled, leaning in to reconnect their lips, kissing her with as much passion as he could muster through a kiss. She returned the earnestness as their lips moved together, slowly and passionately. His tongue slowly entered her mouth, gently exploring while she ran her hands up and down his back, legs still wrapped tightly around his torso.

As they kissed, a new sense of urgency arose. Not like the primal urgency in the kitchen just moments before, but a need to demonstrate to the other partner how much love and trust and joy was held in this relationship. There was something special about Travis and Taylor together that neither one had experienced before, their connection was new and exciting yes, but it also felt like coming home to one another after a lifetime of searching. 

Travis pulled away slightly, breathing heavily, speaking barely above a whisper but just loud enough for her to hear it, "You are it for me, baby" before quickly reconnecting their lips. He moved one arm from around her waist, using the free hand to slowly trail up and down her back before caressing her head, gently tugging her wet, curly hair. 

Taylor moaned quietly into the kiss, needing to feel him all around and over her. She lightly lifted her hips against him, he very quickly understood and used his free hand to direct his hard cock into her again. He slowly entered her, pulling away to watch her face. Her eyes closed, she leaned her head back slightly, not hiding the pleasure he was bringing her in any way. 

Travis smiled as he watched her take him in, barely moving his hips as he left gentle kisses along her neck and chest. 

"God, I love you so fucking much" Taylor says as she grabs onto his shoulders again, kissing his collar bone as she lays her head on his shoulder, feeling him move slowly, deeper and deeper into her. 

There was no sense of rush, just simple pleasure as the two moved together underneath the water, feeling connected and content in this moment. 

For several minutes, all that could be heard was the sound of water hitting the ground, soft moans, and copious, quiet "I love yous" being said back and forth. This felt different, this felt safe and secure. This wasn't just fucking or having sex, they were making love. 

Taylor felt her orgasm building as Travis' methodical, deep thrusts filled her perfectly, she moaned quietly against his skin to let him know what he was doing was working. He knew exactly what she meant, he was feeling it too. He didn't change a thing, he continued thrusting into her, holding her body close with his arms wrapped around her, her head rested on his shoulder. 

He couldn't remember a time in his life that he had ever felt so close to a human being. He may have said it in a moment of passion but he meant every word, Taylor was it for him. This person, this connection, this relationship was all he wanted for the rest of his life. He didn't know how much of that he could share without freaking her out after only a few months, but in this moment, he was fairly confident it was a shared sentiment. 

Taylor released a shaky breath as she felt herself tighten around Travis, his orgasm exploding into her as his hips continued to thrust, not stopping until both of them had fully enjoyed every second of their respective orgasms. Travis pulled her in again to kiss her as he gently placed her down on the ground, mindful of her shaking legs, not stepping away to still support her body weight against his own. 

He reached around her to the shampoo, pumping a few times into his hand before leaning over her to begin washing her hair. There was something so simple and intimate about this moment as the two washed each others bodies and stole kisses in between. They were taking care of each other in every sense of the word.

After the shower, Travis grabbed the towels, wrapping one around his own waist while Taylor moved to start drying off. They walked together into the bedroom where they settled into bed, snuggled up for a long, well deserved nap. 

Taylor fell asleep more quickly than she had in weeks, noting the distinct comfort and safety she felt immediately being back in her lovers arms. There was nowhere else in the world she would rather be than right here with him.

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