17. London

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"So...how are you feeling about the trip? Excited to see Bey?" Travis asked quietly with an unusual hint of nerves in his voice, while playing Taylor's hands as they laid on the couch watching a movie. 

Taylor, who had been laying with her back against his torso, sat up slightly to be able to make eye contact. She had been kind of waiting for this conversation, wondering if he would bring it up before she left the next day. Knowing what he was asking without him having to put words to it, she turned fully to look at him, her knees touching his legs on the couch. 

"Do you really want to know how I feel about going to see Beyonce? Or are you wondering how I feel about going back to London?" she asked gently. 

"Ya caught me." He replies with a small, sideways smile. 

"I feel okay I think. I haven't really spent time there since officially leaving but... that time in my life is starting to feel like an entire lifetime ago, ya know? I think I was a different person living there. It might be a little weird once I actually arrive, but for now, I'm okay."

"Good baby, I'm glad to hear that" Travis said, placing a kiss on Taylor's temple. 

"And how do you feel about it?"

"Me? I mean, it's not about me. I just wanted to make sure you were set and good to go and-"


"Do you think you'll miss him when you're there? Do you think you want to see him?"

Taylor was surprised by his honest questions, she knew they had both been silently thinking about her upcoming quick trip across the pond to support Beyonce at her movie premiere, but still, to hear him ask about Joe without actually saying his name caught her off guard. It wasn't jealousy she sensed from his question but rather...insecurity? She wasn't used to this feeling coming from her giant, exuberant boyfriend. 

"I don't know what I'll feel when I get there" Taylor responded honestly, Travis nodded, it was clear his nerves were not absolved with her statement. Taylor moved her hand under his chin and moved his face so he was looking straight into her eyes. "But I know how I feel where I am right now. I know I am madly in love with you and the life we are building together. I know that you make me feel more loved and cared for than any other person in the world. I know that you are the one I am coming home to, as quick as possible. Always."

Travis looked into her eyes, absorbing every word she was saying. A small smile crept over his face. How did she do that? How did she find the perfect words to answer questions he didn't even fully know how to ask? Any insecurity he felt about her returning to the place where she had built and planned a life with another man dissipated. 

She was here with him now. And he hoped she always would be. 

Taylor's plane took off to London the next morning while Travis stayed back to go to practice. 

"Have a safe flight, girly. I'll be right here waiting for you when you get back. I love you more than you know."

"I think I have some idea," Taylor giggled, "because I love you just as much. Remember that."

With one final hug and kiss, Taylor boarded the plan and Travis took off to Arrowhead. 

The next day, after a night of flying, Taylor was getting ready for the premiere in her hotel room. Landing in London brought up a lot of feelings, maybe more after the conversation with Travis. Some nostalgia, some sadness, but mostly? Gratitude for the man who was waiting for her back in Kansas City. 

She felt excited to be able to be there to support Beyonce. Having her turn up to Taylor's movie premiere just a few months prior meant more to her than she felt she was able to put into words and she was thrilled to be able to now support one of her biggest role models in the same way. 

Taylor was sitting in the makeup chair, getting finishing touches to her look when her phone began to ring. She answered quickly, knowing it would be Trav calling to check in after practice and before her walking the red carpet. 

"Hi Trav!" Taylor said distractedly, looking away briefly as one of the hotel concierge rolled a cart in to her room. "Anywhere in there is fine!" She yelled kindly to the staff before waving and turning back to the mirror, noting the silence from the other end of the call. 

"Holy shit...you- I- oh my god."

Taylor had seen Travis in many different states in the few months of them dating, speechless had never been one of them. 

"Yeah?" She said giggling, appreciating the immediate confidence boost from this man. 

"Tay....I swear to god no one has ever looked better. Jesus Christ."

"Thank you, baby! Wait until you see the dress, I think you're going to like it!"

"I know I will baby! You know I'd like it even more if I could be there to take it of-"

"TRAVIS! Room fullll of people here" Taylor scolded as her cheeks turned bright red, seeing her hair and makeup artists chuckling to themselves.

Travis laughed, he couldn't help himself and he didn't care if the entire world, let alone the room, knew that he was the only one lucky enough to have the privilege of taking her home. 

"I'll let you finish getting ready, baby. Go kill it out there, my girl! And you better not forget to send me pictures so I can admire that dress in all it's glory."

"I won't baby, I'll talk to you after. Love you!"

"I love you too, sweet girl. Have fun!"

Taylor had Tree take a couple of photos in the hotel prior to the red carpet and quickly texted them to Trav before climbing out to do the red carpet. She felt confident and strong, loving how her look came together and just enjoying the moment for her friend. The red carpet was over fairly quickly, Taylor took her turn in front of the paparazzi, took photos with some fans, and said hi to Beyonce before her evening was over. 

When she climbed back into the waiting car, she finally had a chance to look at her phone again where she found several texts from Travis waiting for her. 

"Taylor, my god, you look absolutely stunning 😍"

"Truly, I don't think I have ever seen a more beautiful person in my whole life. THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND!! I am so freaking proud of you."

"Listen, you know I try to stay off the internet when it comes to us but these pictures....I can't stop looking at them. Holy fuck, please come home soon."

"I haven't stopped smiling since seeing you, baby girl. I know I'm the luckiest man in the world. You killed it out there, just like you always do. I love you so much." 

Taylor beamed as she read the response from Travis. She felt beautiful in her own right, without his validation, but hearing how he saw her made her feel seen in a new way. He knew and loved her not just when she was shiny and perfect on the red carpet, but when she's lounging at home in his old t-shirt and a messy ponytail. 

Her car brought her straight to the airport, not wanting to spend another night away from Travis if she didn't need to. As fun as the premiere was, there was nowhere that sounded better to her than next to him. Besides, he made her feel more beautiful and loved than any of the thousands of photographers and people at the event ever could. And she also knew that there was absolutely nothing left she needed or wanted to do in London. 

"I'm coming home to you right now, baby. I love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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