Touch that heals

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As Lucian placed the final touches on the meticulously arranged table, the aroma of his delicious culinary creations filled the air. The tasty scents wafted through the room, enticing anyone who caught a whiff.

Adrian emerged from the shower, his skin still glistening with droplets of water that mirrored the shimmering ocean waves.

His presence added an extra touch of allure to the already tantalizing atmosphere.

With each step he took towards the dining area, anticipation grew. Lucian's heart quickened as he watched him approach, his eyes lingering on his tousled hair and sculpted physique. The connection between them was electric, charged with unspoken desires.

Lucian's POV

His presence was magnetic, drawing me in like a moth to a flame. As he came towards me, a wave of anticipation washed over me. The scent of the ocean clung to him.

I couldn't help but be captivated by his tousled hair. Every movement oozed confidence and strength, leaving me breathless. It was as if the ocean itself had come alive, crashing against the shores of my soul.

We sat down at the table, our eyes locked in a silent conversation that spoke volumes.

As we started to eat, my focus wavered. The presence of his bare torso, wearing only his sweatpants, and his damp hair was my distraction.

" Like what you see?" He teased and my heart raced as his words hung in the air. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks, betraying the embarrassment that consumed me.

At that moment, I wished for an invisibility cloak to shield myself from his penetrating gaze.

"It's not that... it's just... why aren't you wearing a shirt?" I asked trying to act cool. "come on Lucian, this place is hot as hell, I can't even breathe properly." it was hot but not as hot as he exaggerated.

"It's not that hot, stop overreacting." I said as I continued devouring my delicious meal. " but seriously Lucian don't you get hot? this weather is really suffocating for me."

"No I don't get hot easily, and my hands are always cold too. Maybe because I don't do much anything to get me all hot and sweaty." I shrugged and placed my fork on my already empty plate.

As I glanced at Adrian, his gaze bore into me, his intense blue eyes locked onto my emerald orbs. I could feel his curiosity, his desire to unravel the enigma that was me. It was unnerving, yet strangely exciting.

Every fiber of my being screamed for me to look away, to break this intense eye contact. As I averted my gaze from him, I felt a subtle tension in the air.

I started cleaning the table as I saw that he was

also done eating.

I placed my plate in the sink, turning around to find Adrian behind me. His unexpected presence behind me sent a jolt of fear coursing through my veins. My heart raced, and I couldn't help but jump in startled surprise. He chuckled at my reaction and came even closer.

He gently took my hand and pressed it against his neck. "You mentioned your hands were cold," he murmured, his voice laced with heat. "And I'm burning up right now. So lend me your hand for a moment."

The touch sends jolts through my fingers. My heart raced, pounding in my chest like a wild animal desperate for freedom.

A swarm of butterflies took flight within the depths of my stomach, their delicate wings fluttering with anticipation.

After a moment, when I realized what was happening, I pulled my hand and backed away by one step.

"It's still early don't you think so? let's continue our work, I will go up and take a look if anything changes." I spoke nervously. As I was about to walk away he took a hold of my shoulder.

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