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Adrian's wrists were in a state of utter devastation - blood dripping, skin torn and burned with excruciating pain. He struggled relentlessly against the ropes binding him to the chair, his desperation evident in every jerk and twist of his body.

Even when he dislocated his thumbs in a desperate attempt to free himself, he barely felt the pain amidst the chaos unfolding before him. Across from him sat Lucian, his once pristine white skin now marred with blood as it oozed from a deep gash on his shoulder.

His torn t-shirt hung loosely, barely clinging to his trembling body. And then there was Cain, standing smugly in the center of the room like a puppet master reveling in the mayhem he had orchestrated. His twisted laughter echoed through the damp walls as he surveyed his handiwork.

In one swift motion, he tore off Lucian's shredded shirt, revealing the full extent of his injuries. "My poor Lucian," Cain cooed mockingly. "Was your shoulder already wounded? Did I accidentally stab the wrong side?" A twisted grin spread across his face as he relished in Lucian's agony.

Despite the overwhelming pain coursing through his body, Lucian remained silent with his head bowed, struggling to control his ragged breaths. But even as tears dried on his cheeks and sweat dripped down his forehead, he couldn't help but mutter under his breath, "I will kill you." The words were barely above a whisper, weak and shaky with exhaustion. 

Adrian strained against his binds with renewed vigor at those words, determination glinting in his eyes.

But Cain only laughed cruelly in response. "Oh really? Let's make a deal then," he taunted as he stepped closer to Lucian. "I'll give you a minute to try and kill me. But if you fail... well, let's just say you'll be watching your lover die before your eyes." With a pointed finger, he gestured towards Adrian, Lucian trembled at the thought of failing to save Adrian.

Lucian's thoughts raced as he watched Cain, his heart pounding in his chest with fear and determination. He knew that in his current state, he wouldn't stand a chance against the powerful man in front of him. But he couldn't let anything happen to Adrian, the person he loved more than anything else. With all the strength he could muster, he braced himself for what was to come.

Cain approached him with a sadistic grin, relishing Lucian's weakness. The knife in his hand was stained with Lucian's blood from earlier, and it glinted dangerously in the dim light of the room.With a swift motion, Cain cut the ropes binding Lucian's hands, freeing him from his captivity. But even as he stood, weakened by blood loss and the physical and emotional strain of being tortured, Lucian refused to back down.

In a mocking tone, Cain offered Lucian the same knife that had just been used against him. "Go ahead and kill me," he taunted. "Isn't that your only wish?" He sneered down at Lucian, daring him to take action.

Bracing himself on shaky legs, Lucian swung the knife towards Cain. The older man easily avoided the attack, dodging each subsequent strike with ease. But for Lucian, every passing second felt like an eternity as he fought to stay focused through the pain and exhaustion.

He called upon everything he had learned during his years as an agent - every skill, every tactic - all for one purpose: to save Adrian. The thought of his beloved gave him strength and determination to keep fighting, no matter how dire the odds seemed.

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