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I nuzzled my nose in his neck, inhaling his intoxicating scent that sent shivers of pleasure down my spine. "I want to touch you more," I breathed out, feeling the electricity between us intensify. His grip tightened around me, his hot breath tickling my ear as he said, "You need a cold shower."

With a low voice, he led me to the bathtub and laid me down gently. The cold water drops stung my skin, but it also brought a sense of calmness to my heated body. "Do you feel better?" he murmured, I looked up at him, hoping to see understanding in his eyes, but instead, he avoided my gaze.

A lump formed in my throat and tears blurred my vision. "Do you hate me now?" I blurted out, trying to keep my composure as hot tears streamed down my flushed cheeks.

My body temperature rose even more, fueled by both the drugs Cain injected me with and the overwhelming desire for touch. "You don't even want to look at me anymore, do you?" I asked, feeling the weight of rejection crush me.

My body burned with conflicting emotions - longing for his touch yet also feeling rejected and ashamed because of the things he heard about me.

I felt Adrian's hand on my jaw, gently turning my face towards him. His touch was warm and comforting. "Lucian, look at me," he said softly. I met his gaze, feeling vulnerable under his intense stare.

He rinsed my face with cold water, the shock of it jolting me out of my thoughts. Cupping my face in his hands, he asked, "What made you think that I hate you?" I could see the pain in his eyes and immediately regretted my earlier words. "I'm sorry," I whispered, feeling guilty for making him feel this way.

"It's just that...you heard everything that man said," I explained, trying to defend myself. Lucian sighed and caressed my cheeks tenderly. "I don't hate you, not even a bit," he reassured me, "I think you're an incredibly strong person. You faced your fears head-on without backing down."

His kind words brought a small smile to my lips, but I couldn't shake off the overwhelming dizziness and arousal coursing through my body.

"Ahh," I moaned involuntarily as the sensations intensified. Desperately trying to cool down, I splashed water all over myself in the bathtub but it only seemed to make things worse.

"I'm sorry Adrian...but I don't feel well," I confessed through heavy breaths. "My whole body is aching." My mind was clouded with desire as I fought to maintain my composure. "You can go out now, I'll come out when I'll calm down."

But Adrian shook his head firmly, "I'm not leaving until you feel better," he declared, squeezing my shoulder reassuringly. As much as I appreciated his support, his close proximity only made things more difficult for me.

"You don't understand, Adrian," I managed to choke out, trying to control my trembling voice. "It's even harder with you this close to me." Eventually, I stepped out of the tub and made my way to the sink, my bandaged shoulder now wet.

Without a word, Adrian came up behind me and began to carefully remove the bandage, his touch gentle but firm. He expertly covered my shoulder with fresh medical tape, his attention focused solely on me.

I could feel my body responding to his closeness, the drug still lingering in my system making it difficult for me to resist him. But I didn't want to resist anymore.

Turning around, I held onto Adrian's neck and pulled him closer until our lips crashed together in a desperate kiss. My body pressed against his as if seeking solace from the chaos within.

But just as quickly as it started, as if something snapped inside of Adrian, he pushed me away. "Lucian, no," he said, avoiding my gaze, "I can't do this when you're like this."

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