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The heat was almost unbearable, suffocating, and stifling. Rays of sunlight poured in through the open window, warming my skin and making me squint as I woke from my slumber. But it wasn't the sunlight that caused the intense heat, it was the man tightly entangled with me, his arms and legs creating a cage that left me unable to move.

I couldn't even move my arms to push away the warmth or adjust the sheets. I gazed at his peaceful sleeping face, mesmerized by his regal and handsome features. My heart began to beat faster as I realized how intimately our bodies were pressed together.

He radiated a comfortable heat that enveloped me and made me feel both trapped and safe at the same time.As I attempted to maneuver my way out from under his heavy body, I noticed that he was deeply lost in sleep. Carefully lifting him off of me, I made my way straight to the bathroom, grateful for some much-needed alone time.

The shower was a sanctuary that I desperately needed this morning. Turning on the hot water, I let it cascade over me, soothing and comforting every inch of my body. Using my favorite shower gel, I lathered up and scrubbed away any lingering dirt or tension, reveling in the feeling of being truly clean - even though I knew it was only physical.

As the steam filled the small space, I closed my eyes and let my mind wander, washing away all worries and stress with each rinse of the suds. Wrapping myself in a soft, silky robe that hung from the hanger, I made my way to the kitchen. The smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as I began to prepare breakfast. Adrian loved eggs, so I decided to make omelets. I hummed a melody and carefully cracked eggs and whisked them in a bowl.

As I stood at the stove, gently cooking the omelets, I felt a heat spreading across my back. It wasn't from the steam or temperature in the room, but from someone's gaze fixated on me.I turned to find Adrian standing there, his blue eyes locked onto mine with intensity. A small smile played at the corners of his lips as he watched me cook, and I couldn't help but blush under his intense stare.

"What a sight," he said, his voice filled with wonder, as he turned to retreat back into the bedroom. My curiosity piqued, I asked, "What was that?" In just ten seconds, he returned with a fluffy white towel in his hands, his steps more purposeful and determined. Drawing nearer to me, he gently placed the towel on my head, his touch sending shivers down my spine.

"Lucian, you shouldn't walk around with wet hair," he scolded in a gentle tone as if reprimanding a child. "Don't you know how easy it is to catch a cold?" As he carefully wrapped the towel around my head, softly ruffling my hair to dry it off, I couldn't help but feel like I was about to have a heart attack from the eager fluttering of butterflies in my stomach.

A wave of warmth washed over me, and I couldn't help but think that this moment would be etched in my memory forever. His eyes sparkled in the soft light of the room, and I couldn't tear my gaze away from him.In the midst of falling under Adrian's intoxicating charisma, I caught the scent of something burning. To my dismay, I realized that my perfectly cooked omelets were turning to charcoal on the stove behind me.

"Oh no, my omelets!" I cried as I attempted to grab the pan, only to burn my finger in the process. "Ouch," I winced and pulled back. Adrian came to my rescue, gently taking the pan away and tending to my culinary disaster.

"You need to be more careful," he scolded me gently while tending to blow my burned finger. "How many times do I have to remind you?" he looked at me worried, holding my stinging hand and blowing cool air onto it.

"As I remember you were good at cooking." He mocked."I am! It was you who distracted me." I glared at him."why are you blaming me, I didn't do anything, I was just helping you dry your hair, did you get distracted by that?" He smirked at me, and I knew that he exactly knew, what he was doing.

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