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I was there in the airport's lounge waiting for my cousin little sister Roshni gaikwad, even though we did not grow up together but rather halfway across the world, my father made sure that i always had a family outside of him.... Rosh was my father's little brother Aman Gaikwad only daughter. It was only a handful full of times that i had met rosh, but to me she is my little sister regardless of how she keeps me. That is why, when she told me that she was coming to paris on some work i was on cloud nine!!.

As i was waiting for her she texted me saying she couldn't make it and would only reach by the next day , i was just about to leave, when a tall girl , came walking towards me before i could utter anything she said dominantly ,
"It is I prisha shetty shall we go to the car?"

I tried to tell her that I wasn't who she had imagined but she tossed me her luggage and walked towards the exit .... I followed behind her , she stopped suddenly at the exit and ordered. "Show me your car". I tried once again but in vain i ended up deciding to drop her wherever she wants to go and then thought of clearing the air about whoever she assumed I was...

I got in the car and started the vehicle, just as I was about to drive the car she got in sat in the backseat of the car ... I asked her where she wanted to go and she handed me a brochure, there was this address of a house so i figured thats where she wanted to go

She took out her phone from her purse and agressively called someone and all of a sudden she said in loud words
" You bitch!, where are you!!???
What you did not board the flight? How could you miss the flight because of the traffic bro should have started early na?!?" Iam sure the other party said some thing and then again she shouted " Roshni gaikwad, If you Aren't here in paris by tomorrow night i swear i will fly back to India just to beat you up " by that she cut the call agressively!

I understood that it was my sister on the other side of the girl's phone i mean Roshni gaikwad -that is my sister!! And i know, the only person my sister talks calmly to is her bestfriend - prisha shetty -
Although i've never seen her before I knew that rosh's bestfriend 's name is prisha shetty!!
Which means that the girl in my car is prisha

The car ride was nothing but sillent , I looked out on the rear view mirror and i saw her looking out the window-that was one beautiful sight to my eyes - her big brown eyes shone as she looked into paris with a curve up her lips it was--- majestic never seen a more beautiful person, atleast never admired such a beauty!!!

We soon reached to the place on the brochure I got down and hopped to her side and opened her door , as she got down her beautifully burgendy hair brushed on to my chest , i closed the doors and handed her , her luggage, just as she was about to walk away I pulled her by her arm...


Hii there:)
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