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We sat in the car after our little date in the seine river bank.... He asked me what I wanted for dinner as both of we're hungry

"I want something hearty and filling" I replied to his question.


"Yes!!" I yelled as pasta for me is my favourite any time of the day.

"Do you mind putting on some music?" He asked looking at the road when his scrumptious looking hands drove his expensive car.

You weren't supposed to like him pri I thought to myself....

"No, I don't, I love music too infact" I replied as I supressed the thought of his hands....

"You do?, who do you listen to most?"

"Mmm... Weeknd, lana, Taylor and ....."

He exclaimed... With is eyes almost popping out of his frame and his mouth open wider than ever.

"What?" I asked perplexed and a chuckle left my lips...

"You listen to Taylor swift?!!,... Like seriously?!!" He asked as curious as ever..

"I do, thanks to your sister actually!!!"

"I knew she was a good influence!!"

We both laughed out hearts out and I was relieved that we found some common ground because hey!... When things get awkward there's always Taylor to save...

We drove to his place and got out of the car and suriya grabbed my bag and put it over his shoulders and walked me in... As we did his dog greeted us running towards us, wagging his tail and by jumping on to suriya and pecking him all over...

"Jupiter.... Okay... I love you too and I missed you too but wait there's someone special with us now"

he said to his dog as he petted him and gave mild scratches all over his tall body... Listening to his master Jupiter stood there calm and happy as one could tell from his face probably because he met his master after a while day off waiting... Wagging his tail and striking his tongue out.

"Pri, meet Jupiter, my best friend and Jupiter, meet prisha.. my date for the day and hopefully for the rest of my life.." he said those last words in his dog's ear but I did hear it!.      

Though I heard him, I pretend that I didn't and went on my knees to pet Jupiter ... He's golden retriever, just like his dad!

We walked over to the kitchen counter and he handed me my bag which was with him this entire time and bent over close to my ear my ears could feel his lips moving and said

"Just a couple minutes Snowflake, we'll eat our dinner"

he said and pressed his lips on my earlobe my heart pounded, blood rushed to my cheeks and I was week, at his peck and he yelled out

"Jupiter... Come give my date company"

and made his way towards what looked like a majestic kitchen. The whole house looked majestic, it was well designed and looked brand new and squeeky clean...

Jupiter came running to me and wagged it's tail, loved how lively he was... But I think I know where he gets it from.

In a few minutes he came out with two plates of pasta and set them down on the table.... He walked over to a corner of the hall and grabbed Jupiter's did bowl and put his food for him.

He came over to the table and sat himself down

"So you like it? or do you like it?" He exclaimed.

"I can tell it tastes good from your confidence" I said and tasted the pasta which was covered in this thick, red and lustrous tomato and garlic sauce, I loved it.

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