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                               SURIYA'S POV

I was home after I returned from office, I had just freshened up and was having dinner , thats when I received a call, from her.......  Even though She doesn't know whose's number is this , I knew, because The first time I laid eyes on her at the airport I could tell she is precious for me!!.
So I made sure that she'd stay safe in a country thats new for her , thats why I made sure to leave her a message and and a bodyguard, without her knowing!!
I guess she's found out about the message but not about the bodyguard -not yet.
I answered the phone that had been ringing for a while , before I could even greet her she lashed out
"Hey you fucking bastard, It was you who left that creepy message, wasn't it?!". She said in her intensely cold and dominant voice.
"Hello to you too Miss prisha shetty" i said.
"Listen, I dont have time to greet you , just know  that , I will put you in your place for stalking me, literally!! "She yelled out at me

"I find your aggression, immensely attractive, Miss Prisha shetty!" I commented, yes I find her aggressive attitude attractive, very much so!               

"oh, please save that for some of those 'damsel in distress' typa girls , if you've assumed me for one of them , sorry, because Iam not one of them!! And Iam telling you , Iam actually capable of looking out for myself! So save your hero -ass for yourself!
So, stop fucking stalking me, you creep!" She lashed out with so much certainity in her voice.
And hung up on me.
She actually hung up on me and Iam very certain, if it wasn't her I wouldn't have kept my calm.

The next morning.....

I was driving to work with reputation by taylor swift blasting in full volume on my car radio, my sister called me , I answered immediately "hello, brother" said rosh.
"What do you need?" I asked her as I guess from her voice that she needs something from me.
"Jeez, why so grumpy?!" She commented
"No , am not grumpy, but I know you well enough to understand why you called me. Don't you want something from me?!"
"Yes yes , I do want something from you" she admitted.
" And, what is that?! "I questioned her.
"I need some money for a dinner iam hosting tonight, look since i have just landed in paris , I don't have a lot of money in Euro's." She asked me.
"you got it... But yeah if you want money next time  dont act so--cringy!" I warned her
"Alright, where are you hosting?.. do you need any help?!" I asked concerned.
"um.. the Rex club" she answered.
"No, your not hosting there."
"Because, thats a very cheap club and you're my sister , so host somewhere better, like  Chez Raspoutine ,thats the best one in paris."I told her.
" Ok, then Chez Raspoutine it is ." She agreed.
"You should totally come, at 8." She ordered.
" Okay okay.... Bye. I assured her and hung the call.

                                PRISHA' POV

It was 7 in the evening. I just finished my work , and got in a taxi to Chez Raspoutine club, as thats where Rosh is hosting her dinner party. As soon as I reached there I saw Rosh waiting at the door for me.
"You came!!" She shouted, she ran and hugged me.
"I had to, for you!" I assured her.
We both went in, she rushed to attend some of her guests. I sat there in the corner drinking some tequila as I did not know anyone there , not anyone I came because Rosh invited me..

At some distance I saw a man walking towards me , he was a stranger whose's face I'd recognise anywhere, he was my ex-boyfriend, he and I dated all through our college, The first man I trusted with all my heart after my appa. The first ever man who broke my heart into a million pieces by cheating on me on our graduation day. It took me over three whole years to get over and move on after our Breakup, the worst part is I don't even know if iam Fully over him yet.

"Hey babe, i missed you..." He greeted me.

"Dont 'babe' me, and no, I did not miss you, not one bit." I answered furious -very much.

"Oh come on don't be rude prisha" he told me.

"Iam not rude , Its the only way to deal with people like you!" I yelled in my low voice.

"prisha, I still love you! So much." He told looking into my eyes. It did nothing to me. I rolled my eyes on him.

"It is true that broken mirror cannot be glued together, but you can still see your face in it! So, just give us another chance to us na?" He pleaded.

"yes, you can still see your face in the broken mirror, but I don't think my face wouldn't be as pretty as It would be on a well intact mirror. So yeah how about you fuck off from here?!" I told on his ugly face


Hii there:)
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Until next chapter


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