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I was very worried for her, when I reached the club, I saw a man forcing himself on prisha, I raged through every ounce of my body, Every nerve, every part of my body wanted to end him, show him all kinds of suffering and slowly but surely end him. As I walked through the crowd and made my way towards her. I witnessed her hit him with her heal, a sudden feeling of pride gushed through my body "thats my woman!. "

I walked towards them , pulled him aside to bash him with all I've got. She held onto my shoulders to restrict me from hurting him"let him go".
I couldn't let him go , I couldn't let someone who tried hurting my women go - I just couldn't.
"No suriya, please don't hurt yourself in the rage, let him go. I know how to make him pay for what he did to me!".
I couldn't, see her like that, she looked so terrified, yet so brave, the way she did not stumble in hitting him! Gosh, I've never found a woman alluring.

As we made our way out of the club into the parking lot, she stood there after I asked her to let me be there for her
"Why would you want to save me , why would you want to be there for a person you known less than a month!." She questioned me.

"I want to be there for you, because every ounce of my heart beats for you since the moment I saw you making your way to me at the airport, you din't just come to paris, you came into my life like a sunshine to my dark, bringing all the light in my dark ally-like life!. Before you I found it difficult to get through the 24 hours of day , but now , beside you Time's not enough, It'll never be enough, Iam not a jealous person pri, but Iam jealous of every breeze that sweeps through your skin, of every person you smile at , Every time you laugh in my absence. I want to be there every time you laugh to witness every single one of your laughs, I want be the reason you laugh,the reason you blush , I need to stare at your big brown, bewitching eyes every moment of my life, I want to fondle every single time your lovely dimples peep out, every time you gaze at me , my heart races like it has never before , I've even had to control it before it pops out sometimes" I let out a chukle. I held her hand and looked right at her fascinating brown oceanic eyes.

"You've brought life to me,you revived what was dead inside of me, I want to live with only you for this life and beyond if am lucky enough, I want to be your person, the person's who's embrace could bring you peace, comfort, that's who I want to be for my darling love."
"You are the most beautiful woman I know inside out!, you've effortlessly made me yours since the first day , and I love you too much to contain, Will you be my person pri ?"

Asked her with all i've got

There was silence, that was initiated by her but I dont give up so easily atleast not at her stake


why, Iam not the easy kind of beautiful, the kind of beautiful where every person looks at with much awe, the kind who everyone finds attractive! No one's ever told me I looked pretty even when I doll up with every ounce of my body, except of my sister diya and bestfriend roshni, and I know even they do it to for me
These thoughts ran through my head as I tried to process his confession. His confession

"Suriya, hey look I don't know what you've seen in me but, I don't really feel the same way about you atleast not now, Please try to understand! I really appreciate your liking towards me,
but-I just can't...."
I tried to explain but he cut me off saying
" Hey, hey hey... You dont need to stress about me, please dont thats not what we want - do we? Please, my aurora, dont!" He said brushing the strands of my hair.
He called me my aurora and as a person so into books I Know that means a sunshine in a dark ally after a long time. That did something in my heart.

"Iam very glad you were straightforward and did not beat arround the bush, Thank you." I conveyed my gratitude.
"hey, would you let me have one thing?!" He asked -almost nervous
"Hmm" I replied.
"I want to pursue you, would you let me pursue you? Please" he pleaded......


Hii there:)
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Until next chapter

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