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I walked into the office after suriya had dropped me, as soon as I entered this tall man barged into me.

"Oh shittt" that man grunted as we both had fallen down
I reached for my things and started to gather them and made an effort to stand up and so did the blue eyed man in front of me

"I am so sorry mam, I did not mean to do that!!!" He apologized as he stood up and erected his tall body

"Oh, don't worry it's totally fine" I assured him.

"Oh and I am Pierre Augustus, and I am Actually new here"

"Oh, hello Mr Augustus, may I ask your purpose of being here?"

"You can call me Pierre, and I am actually here for an interview"

"Oh for the PA of the CEO post?"

"Yeah, but I am not really sure of what one does In that post so can you help me out miss--?

"Shetty, I am Prisha Shetty and I am the head of a certain project here as an onsite employee, and no, I cannot help you out with that because no one has actually been in that position before and none knows of what has to be done by the person in that post, in fact we don't even know who is the new CEO in charge afterall the french government is strictly confidential in these matters, sorry"

"Oh, is this new position here, then?"

"Yes, but I will walk you to the waiting room and get someone to assist you on your doubts before the interview, this way"

I guided him.

Shortly after an fairly middle aged man blocked me, he was Mr Williams my reporting head, he was one greedy man to say the least.

"Where do you think you're going miss shetty, and who is that?"

"Oh, I am walking to the waiting room, and this is Mr Augustus, an interviewee for PA of CEO position."

"Oh, don't bother going through that process, I have already decided who's going to be the PA, so you can take your leave whatever is your name."

He said in is weird tone, he always acted intoxicated and never fully conscious, I didn't really think much about him and I did not have direct association with that man.

"But the interview is yet to be conducted, how did you--"

He cut me off

"Oh, please we all know these interviews are just a screen to the office politics, so just send that man back and get to work miss shetty, wouldn't want to lose that now would you?"

"No, I wanna talk to the CEO about this, let me in"

"Uh uh, you aren't there yet young lady, do as I say!"

"No, I won't, you making these decisions is affecting careers of young potential people, like Pierre here, get outta My way"

Though he tried to stop me, I walked through him to the brand new CEO's office....

I knocked on the door but none answered so I barged open the door and walked in. But there was no one on the seat, suddenly and man from my behind walked past me and sat on the CEO's chair, it was Pierre, the man the asked for my guidence, just mere moments ago...

"Pierre, that's the CEO's chair come here" I tried reminding him

He did not listen to me, instead turned over the name plate that was knocked over on the table. It read


I was preplexed but realisation hit hard, the man that bumped into me this morning was Pierre Augustus, the new CEO.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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