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At the morning, the gossip pages started already talking about the photo. They were tagging me and Charles, spreading
hate towards Charles. It felt bad. We really don't needed that right now.

I barely slept at the night wondering if it's real or fake. Mateo was doing fine and we probably will be home tomorrow morning.

Apart from that the situation with Charles don't make it easy. Arthur was sleeping on a chair next to Mateo's bed.

A nurse came to check Mateo and confirmed that we'll be home tomorrow.
One problem solved.

My phone was vibrating from at least hundred messages from Charles.

"Maddy, love listen please..
I know you saw it, please it's not what you think!
Listen please!
I can explain!
Can i call you?"

It was so confusing. Does he really have an explanation for this..?

I went out of the room and called him, if there was something i wanted to know it now.

"My love, just please please I'm begging you, listen to me! I have explanation but i want to tell you the whole story once I'm back. I'll just tell you what i can now okay?" He started immediately.
"Okay, just talk."
"This was last year, on Lando's birthday..we were drunk and..on other things, you understand me. I will tell you details when I'm back, okay?"
"Charles..you were drugged? My voice cracked a bit.
"Maddy.. please listen to me my love, i didn't meant to!"
"We'll talk, when you are home. I can't talk these kind of things right now." I said and hung up.

He was drugged? Why? There's no normal reason for him to be drugged!
I can't understand his point..

I entered the room again, Mateo and Lya was sleeping, Arthur was awake. He noticed that I'm upset.

I tried to compose myself because i don't wanted to cry with the possibility Mateo to see me.

"What did he told you?" He asked me softly, approaching me for a hug.
"He..he..he was drugged back then.." i whispered.
"He was what?" He sounded angry.
"Drunk and drugged." I whispered again.
"He's so damn stupid! When was that?" He was visibly irratted.
"Lando's birthday.." i said trying to fight back tears.
"Lya was born...he still did it..as a father of two kids..He has to be kidding me.." He let go of the hug and grabbed his phone.
"Focus on Mateo, I'll be back in half an hour. I need to call Lorenzo and talk with Charles also." He kissed my forehead and left.

Why our life is so complicated, after everything this happened..why is always us..

I tried to compose myself, hearing Mateo waking up, I don't want him to see me like that. I don't even want this whole thing to happen.

"Mommy.." he said sleepy, stretching his arms and legs.
"Yes, baby?" I almost whispered.
"When we are going home?" He asked, so innocently, so purely. He was so exhausted of staying in hospitals..
"Tomorrow morning, i promise. Then.." i didn't even finished my sentence, what will be after that? Me and Charles had to discuss something horrible..
"Then what?"
"We'll see sweetheart, i promise everything will be okay." I kissed his forehead.


After half an hour Arthur came back with Lorenzo, they were both visibly irratted and worried. It almost made me sick..

"What happened?" I asked while a nurse was checking on Mateo again.
"There are possibility that Charles will be dropped by Ferrari if they understand the whole thing, which they will because Charles will tell them. Our lawyer will be powerless against this." Lorenzo explained calmly, while Arthur was looking more and more irratted.
"So.. he basically lost his seat by now?" I asked shocked, not even believing it."
"Maybe..if he can't solve this." Arthur snapped.



This can't be happening, who the hell released this photo? This was fucking months ago! Who even took it?

It can't be real! I can lose my seat and my family this way! Maddy won't believe me about a single thing..

Ferrari saw it and of course wanted an explanation for this. It's enough i need to explain it to Maddy, but my team need to know about this..

I can lose my seat..

Me and my team entered the FIA and head towards the meeting room, everything was making me incredibly sick and guilty...

I'm a father, a husband..what example i show to my kids with this?

As i sat on the chair i felt my heart beating rapidly, my breathe was heavy. If i said everything was falling down before, I didn't knew this is gonna happen..

"So Mr Leclerc, can we hear the whole story behind the photo?" They asked me. I took a deep breathe and started talking..
"I was drunk and drugged on this photo, it was only me, the other drivers in the photo weren't under other substances."
"So you admit that only you were drugged?"
"Yes, it was only me."
"Mr. Leclerc sorry to say this but, as a Formula 1 driver, you are not allowed to take drugs. I'm sorry, but we have to ban you from Formula 1 until the case is resolved."

My whole world fell down, i lost my seat. I lost everything i was fighting for all those years, and it's only my fault.

I slowly nodded as Andrea hugged me. I tried to be tough and take the consequences but it's hard to keep your cool in a moment like this.

I felt tears in my eyes and i couldn't help it..

"We are sorry mate." Andrea kept his arm around my shoulders.
"It's all my fault..i let everyone down..my team, my family.." I wiped my eyes and we head to the hospitality.

I took my stuff and quickly went back to the hotel for my suitcase, I needed to go home. Maddy was my only hope at the moment...


I arrived in Monaco in 9pm, i directly head to the hospital, i can't wait anymore to see Maddy and the kids..

As i entered the room, Maddy was packing Mateo's clothes and as soon as she saw me, her eyes filled with tears.

"Please don't, please don't.." I rushed to her side and hugged her. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I fucked up everything! I lost my seat! I'll probably lose you and the kids also!" I couldn't stay strong anymore, I also cried as i hugged her.
"We'll talk firstly, calm down." She kissed my forehead and my lips also.

I slowly sat on the bed next to Mateo, he was looking so exhausted, every year he ends up in hospital at least 3 times...

"He..he looks..tired.." I whispered, stroking his hair gently.
"He really is." Maddy whispered.
"God i feel like I'm ruining the family with my actions.." I stand and looked through the window.
"We have done this before, didn't we? We'll go through this again. Believe me. I'm not leaving you." She hugged me from behind.
"It's getting harder, love. Really really hard." I turned and embraced her tightly. "You're my only hope and strength right now Maddy, only you." I rested my chin on her head and cried.
"I'm here, it'll be okay. I know it doesn't look like it will be but..just believe." She stroked my back.
"Do you wanna hear the story? I really wanna be honest right now..i wanna tell you."
"Okay, talk." She whispered.
"We got drunk, all of us..maybe i was more drunk than anyone. There where these girls, they wanted to drug us, the others tried to stop me but i clearly didn't listened. One girl tried to kiss me, but Pierre pulled her off me and got me out of the whole situation." I was just crying above her. Feeling overwhelmed.


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