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After riding in a taxi, he hopped out and walked into the mall. When he was wandering through the mall cluelessly trying to find the place he usually went to, he saw a big group of loud and joyful teens laughing, almost falling over every time they would laugh too hard. It annoyed Jisung so much, why can't they just shut up? They don't have to laugh at every tiny thing, they weren't even funny in the first place so why act like it was? Even if they were having fun, it was stupid anyway. Jisung never got to experience such joy and happiness, when he tried to, it would just go to the ground and end up going bad... So if he couldn't have fun, why should they? He had to sit and be quiet, often being labeled as one of those weird quiet kids who didn't do anything, except it was worse for him since he would usually get in fights because of kids who think they can point out how lonely he is. Nothing was fair, Jisung learnt that from an unnecessarily young age, but that didn't stop his jealousy.

Jisung stood there snarling with his eyebrows furrowed...He didn't notice he was staring at them until the group of teens then started laughing at HIM instead. "Look at the way he is staring at us!" They snickered, all turning their heads over to see. Yeah, I guess that ticked some sort of thing in Jisungs mind, because now he was furious... first they need to be ignorant, then they laugh at him? He'd had enough of these stupid people. He snapped out of his thoughts and walked up to the girl who decided to point out his staring. "Do you have a problem?" He shouted, his tone coming out cocky and snarky. One of the boys came out from the group, still smiling but this time in a provoking way. "Maybe I do. Oh, aren't you that weird freak at school?" The random boy said as if he only just remembered. "Shut up..." Jisung says, curtly. Despite Jisungs warning, the kid still went on. "The one who is always by himself?" they provoked more. Jisungs hands clenched into a fist with each nudge. "Shut... up." He warns again, this time more aggressively. "Aww, what are you going to do, shy boy?" The boy tilts his head sideways, widening his eyes. It was like they were patronizing him... but no, not would he let that happen.


Jisung closed his lips together tight and threw a punch at the rude boy infront of him, right on the front of his nose earning a big thud sound from the sudden hit. As the boy fell back Jisung turned around and started walking away, but not long after being pushed over to the ground and punched. They fought there on the ground in the middle of the full building... Everyone around them trying their hardest to avoid the situation and just stare. Jisung grabbed the collar of the boy's shirt and rolled both of them over, punching the boy in the face repeatedly hard and quick, making the boy's nose bleed. Karma came quickly as another boy from the group tore Jisung away and started kicking him directly in the stomach over and over, making him wince in pain and curl his body inwards with each kick. Two girls scurried over and helped up the boy who Jisung was just punching, walking him away from the situation and looking back with a dirty look. The hard kicks stopped, leaving time for Jisung to get up and breathe. Once he got his breath back he looked up to see the person who was kicking him getting shoved against the wall, head hitting the hard surface. He was getting choked... and it looked like the person who was doing it had a very firm grip on his throat. Jisung looked to see the person who was choking the boy. He had black hair, earrings stacked around his ears, and very veiny and fit arms that were probably the effect of choking someone... that's all Jisung could decipher from being behind him. Almost 7 seconds of choking went by and Jisung got scared, he didn't like the thought of anyone dying and being the cause for it was worse so he ran to stop anything worse from happening. "Stop!" Jisung shouted, tugging at the strong arms that were pinning the suffocating boy and putting them down as the other boy just quickly scurried off to the rest of the friend group who were helping the first injured. The unknown boy turned to Jisung with flat eyes, his tongue rubbing the inside of his cheeks.

Now that Jisung could see him properly, wow he was disappointed. Lee Minho. Although he looked good... cat eyes, plump lips, Sharp cheekbones... There was only one problem, and that was the fact that he was known as 'the popular guy' in school. He would often be the one starting fights and getting in trouble, plus there was like half the female population drooling over him online because of his good looks.

"Why were you choking him?" Jisung asked, looking him in the eye and wiping the blood off of his lip with the top of his hand. Minho just sighed letting the air out through his nose, he looked down and back up at Jisung. "Well I'm not going to let someone get away with hurting people and ganging up on them." He said, leaning over and looking up at Jisung. This made Jisung chuckle, not had anyone stood up for him like that before, and definitely not like this... It certainly felt nice to know someone would do that for you, and especially when it was someone who'd be the one who would START the fight. "You didn't have to almost kill him." Jisung smiled, yet it turned out as an awkward attempt instead, lucky that Minho understood and smiled back. "There has to be some way I can thank you, here I'll take you to coffee... I was going to get some before anyway." Jisung said in a monotone voice, it was all he could really do since he wasn't used to using much enthusiasm and such.Jisung gave the other no time to reply as he looked down and already started finding his way to the coffee shop. 

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