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They arrived at the spot, you could hear the water splashing and birds chirping. The water sound was constant and it sounded almost like a shower so Jisung figured

there was a waterfall there. "Is there a waterfall here?!" Jisung says excitedly, doing small jumps and looking at Minho with joy in his eyes. "No there isn't." He replied back, yet there was no hint of sarcasm in his voice or his face, he looked completely serious. Jisung stopped jumping and stood there confused and a little bit embarrassed. "What..?" Jisung said in a small voice. "I'm just kidding, yes there is a waterfall obviously. Look." Minho says as he points to the clear view of a low waterfall and a pool beneath it, there were dark rocky walls around it that had moss and greens all over. Jisung gasped and ran over, almost slipping on the mud and wet grass. Minho rolled his eyes and gave a slight smile, walking over to where Jisung ran. "This is a spot I go to with my friends, it's quite refreshing." Minho says as he grabs his shirt and lifts it off over his arms.

"You go here with-" Jisung pauses when he sees Minho shirtless. It wasn't because he thought it was hot, well actually he did think he had a good body but there was no sign of physical attraction, he only paused because it was unexpected. Plus, he's not used to seeing anyone shirtless, other than total gods that were known for bodybuilding, but that was only online, he was never really lucky enough to see anything like that off of a screen. "...Your friends? Do you guys come here a lot?" Jisung says, continuing his unfinished sentence. "Yeah, we always hang out here probably like every week or maybe even twice a week" Minho says, sweeping his hair back with both hands. "Are you gonna jump in?" He says, walking towards the water. Jisung thought about it for a second, would it reveal anything bad? No. Actually, what if his body isn't nice to look at? Don't overthink it, remember this is your only chance- His thoughts were interrupted when he got tackled into the water by a running Minho.

"Ah!-" He manages to say before his head goes underwater. Minho separates from Jisung and laughs, watching Jisung's head pop up from the water and his body frantically moving around to keep him up in the water. "Calm down, The water right here is shallow enough to stand in, see?" He says as he watches Jisung realize he doesn't have to panic and splash around. "Do you not know how to swim?" He asks, almost laughing, bobbing his shoulders above and back beneath the water. "I do I just wasn't expecting to be tackled into the water!!" He says back, splashing Minho by pushing his hands forward and through the top line of the water. "Alright alright calm down, let's let this dry." Minho says, walking towards jisung and grabbing his shirt. He lifts it off halfway until Jisung grabs his hands. He looks up. "What are you doing?" Jisung says. "Your shirt got wet so we might as well hang it up somewhere... So you don't have to walk around half naked." Minho says as he continues to take Jisung's shirt off and hop out the water.

As Minho found branches to hang the shirt on, Jisung swam over to where the fresh purple and pink flowers were. He grabbed a few and swam back to where Minho was walking back into the water again. "I got flowers." He says, holding them up for Minho to look at. "Boring, lets go under the waterfall, it's not too deep there so you'll be fine" Minho says, slapping the flowers out of Jisung's hands and striding through the water to the waterfall. Jisung did feel a little sad after that, those flowers were really pretty and Minho didn't care a thing about it. Whatever, they were just flowers, he was lucky that Minho even wanted to come here in the first place. Jisung swam next to Minho, halfway across to the waterfall. Once they reached the waterfall they stayed infront of it, smiling at eachother. "When are we going to go in?" Jisung asks, looking to the top of the waterfall in amazement. "We'll both go in 3..2..1" Minho says, when he finished his sentence they both swam under the waterfall and into the pouring water. It didn't feel cold because they were already used to being in the cold water so it was perfect and very cool to experience.

"It's only touching my head!!" Jisung says, as he tries to push himself up and out of the water to go higher. "Here, I'll help." Minho says, walking over and planting his hands on Jisung's waist and lifting him up with a small grunt. Jisung was shocked for a second, he must be the luckiest person in the world, not because of who he was with, but because of the incredible moment. He put his arms out wide and cheered, feeling the water splash and splotter off of him. "Yaaaaaaaaah! This is so fun!" Jisung shouts. Minho finally put him down. "You've got a insanely small waist for a guy by the way." Minho says as he looks down at Jisung's waist. Jisung blushed, half because it was embarrassing and half because he's never gotten a compliment before, but whatever. If he wants friends he'll have to get used to things like this. "Are you blushing?" Minho laughs. "It's only cause I'm embarrassed, don't get too ahead of yourself." Jisung replies, rolling his eyes and smiling. "Anyway," Minho takes his eyes off of his waist and looks back at his face. "When are you gonna lift me up?" He says with a serious face, soon after pouting. "Oh- Uh... I'm not-" Jisung gets interrupted. "I was just kidding you don't have to, I already have my fun planned out." Minho says, smirking. "W-what?" Jisung says.

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