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Nervously, Y/N awaited the call to tell her that she had the job. After struggling for months to find something that would pay the bills, she finally had the perfect opportunity. Her friend Bonnie worked at a recording studio and had heard about the job, putting Y/N's name forward before even consulting her. Not that she minded. Y/N was willing to take almost any job that came her way and being a tour assistant for Def Leppard nonetheless would almost definitely be great.

Y/N waited for days to be informed of whether she had the job or not. Waiting tirelessly by the phone in case Malvin, their tour manager called. He would hopefully be her new boss and had done everything in the interview to impress him. Despite never having a job on this scale before, Y/N knew that she had the experience of being an assistant. All throughout University, Y/N had taken small office jobs, jobs that would give her great experience in any field she wanted to go into.

Eventually, she got the call she had been waiting for. She got the job and was due to go to a meeting the next day. Although slightly terrified, Y/N dressed herself in professional clothes and made her way to the meeting, relieved at how laid back everyone was. In the meeting, the tour was discussed. It was their Slang World Tour which would span over almost a year, with various breaks in between. Y/N's job description was once again explained to her. She would tend to all the band's needs as well as helping Malvin with various tasks.

Jobs such as making sure the band checked into hotels, were at sound check and on their bus on time, as well as making sure they had everything they needed before a show and making sure they weren't doing anything they weren't supposed to be doing. The other thing was that due to her working so closely with the band she would not be on the crew's bus but actually in the tour bus with the musicians themselves.

That was probably the only factor that worried Y/N. She was good with time management and had great organisational skills but actually staying in such close quarters with five men that she did not know, no matter how great Malvin had made them sound, was a little frightening. However, she figured that soon enough she would feel more at home and settled, especially after she met them all.

After the meeting Y/N went home to pack and make sure everything was ready for her to leave for almost a year. She informed her landlord that she would be gone for long periods of time throughout the coming year and threw out any perishable foods.

Before she knew it, it was time for Y/N to leave on tour. She still hadn't met any of the band members and all she knew was that they would all be flying out to LA together for the start of the tour. Taking a deep breath she left her flat and made her way to the airport to meet up with Malvin and the band before she stayed with them all for almost a year. Entering the airport she can see a group of people gathered there, Malvin caught her eye first before making his way to her preparing to introduce everyone.

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