Chapter 8

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Their next show a few days later went phenomenally, like always. The band and crew were now making their way over to Asia. They had to spend a week on the bus before they went to the airport. Y/N found it to be an odd experience. She found it difficult to sleep the first night as she discovered that more than one of the band members snored. She wasn't sure who but she knew it wasn't Sav. They would all be spending a lot more time on the bus in Asia as they would be there for a longer period of time, so she needed to get used to it. She inwardly groaned at that.

The flight over there wasn't too bad as she slept for most of it, Vivian standing guard yet again to make sure no one tried to draw on her face. When they landed, they got straight on the buses that were waiting for them, taking to the same beds as before. As she sat down on her bunk, she noticed Joe pull the curtain across straight away, not even giving her a glance.

Y/N was still wondering what was going on with Joe. She didn't want to pry and she knew it was nothing to do with her but she was worried that she had done something to him still. She knew that the rest of the band knew what was going on. They weren't maliciously keeping it from her but rather, she assumed, to respect Joe and his privacy.

Despite how Joe was still ignoring her after being on tour with them for just over a week, there was a funny feeling come over her when he looked at her. A feeling that Y/N hadn't felt since she met her ex-boyfriend. She knew it would be best to stay away from Joe for a while, as much as her job made it possible, until she figured out what she was feeling. The last thing she needed was to develop a school-girl crush on a man who wouldn't even give her the time of day.

They still had a week before their first show and they would be spending that time on the bus as well. The downside to staying on the tour bus was that there was no shower. They had to wash down with a flannel everyday, which was less than ideal. There were eight adults living together on the bus including Y/N and their bus driver so everyone was trying the best they could to prevent any unpleasantness for the people living with them.

Tension seemed to be rising between Joe and Y/N. Sav thought that Joe was starting to turn a corner and at least be polite towards the young woman, but apparently not. Sav himself couldn't pinpoint what was causing Joe's bad mood this time, but he and the rest of the band were trying their best to be extra nice to their tour assistant.


Their first week in Asia went quickly and soon enough, they found themselves in the hotel the night before their first show in Thailand. As they were checking in, Mal gave Y/N another updated itinerary telling her where the boys had to be and when. Y/N made sure she studied it well, not wanting to be late anywhere or to show up at the wrong venue accidently.

Sav collected her for dinner after she lost track of time and Y/N could feel the awkwardness that had surrounded them for the previous two weeks, continue. Trying not to seem bothered by it all, Y/N started questioning everyone, making sure they were settled in alright and ready for the show.

"As long as you don't walk into anyone else then I think we'll all be fine. We have done this before." Joe almost spat at her, shocking everyone around the table.

Y/N didn't even bother to react. She didn't let it show that his words affected her. Sav gave Joe a sharp look and kicked him under the table but Joe didn't seem bothered by this.

The table remained fairly quite after that, Y/N looking down the entire time to avoid eye contact with anyone else, she was left slightly embarrassed after Joe's outburst, she knew that they had done this many times before, but it was her job to make sure they had everything and if they forgot something it would fall onto her.

When they had finished, Y/N quickly excused herself and headed back to her room for the evening. As she left, the rest glared at their lead singer.

"Well, you've really outdone yourself this time." Sav scoffed. Joe just looked up at him refusing to say anything. "You know you have to apologise to her." He continued when Joe didn't respond.

"Yeah I'll pass."

"No you won't," Phil spoke up, "You said you would be civil with her."

Rolling his eyes, Joe realised he was on his own. With a huff, he got up from his seat and followed in the direction their assistant went. It registered in him that he wasn't listening when she had told him her room number earlier. Turning round he looked at Sav who rolled his eyes.


Joe gave another nod and made his way towards the lift. The truth was he wasn't sure what prompted him to make that comment to her. He didn't know where this anger was building up from again. Maybe it was because he started to let his guard down slightly when he promised to be nice, which was the last thing he wanted to do. Or maybe it was the comment that Mal had made a few weeks ago about her replacing him. Joe knew Malvin was joking but the idea of her being in charge of their tours when he barely wanted to be around her irritated him.

Once he got to the sixth floor, he slowed down his pace, wanting to delay this as much as possible. He hated apologising at the best of times. Counting the rooms as he went, he finally got to Y/N's room. It was quiet there and for a moment he thought that she wasn't in there. However, then he heard her moving about inside and decided to knock, knowing that the others wouldn't let him be until he apologised.

It wasn't long before she came to the door and Joe felt his heartbeat quicken at the sight of her. She was a short but modest nightdress, with her hair plaited so it didn't get tangled overnight. She had taken the little make-up that she wore throughout the day off and the main light in the room was switched out, leaving the bedside lamp on. It was obvious to Joe that she was about to go to bed.

Joe didn't realise that he was staring until Y/N softly cleared her throat. For some reason Joe couldn't find any words. He moved his eyes from her legs, up to her face but he just stood there like an idiot.

"Why are you here Joe?" Y/N asked in a tired tone.

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