Chapter 9

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Y/N wanted to go to bed and she wasn't really in the mood to talk to him after his little display in the dining hall.

"I shouldn't've said what I did downstairs."

"No you shouldn't've." It was obvious to Y/N that he didn't want to be there. "Look it's okay, don't worry about it. Goodnight Joe."

Y/N tried to shut the door but was stopped by a foot in the way. Opening it up again, she sighed.

"It's just, we have been touring for years now and we know how to get ourselves ready." Joe didn't know why he didn't just let her go to bed.

"I know that Joe, but it's just my job to make sure you all have everything you need. That's all."

"Yes well, in case you haven't gathered already, I don't really like being told what to do."

Y/N could feel her patience running out. She assumed that he had come up to apologise but it sounded more like him telling her why he thought he was in the right. "Joe, why are you here? Really? I mean it's obvious that you don't want to be here."

She didn't know if it was the right thing to question him on, but she couldn't help but feel annoyed. Ever since she had first met him she had been nothing but polite to him despite his apparent distaste towards her and all she got in return was a poor attempt at an apology which didn't even contain the word sorry.

Joe rolled his eyes at her. "You're right I don't want to be up here but Sav told me to apologise so here I am."

"You're so difficult Joe. What did I honestly do to you? I get that not everyone can get along but seriously?"

Joe rolled his eyes at her words. "I'm not difficult, I just don't want you on this tour. We've never had a tour assistant before and we don't need one now."

"Mal obviously disagrees. He hired me to help you all, to make his job easier. Whether you want me here or not is irrelevant, I am here to do a job and that's the end of it." Y/N scoffed and went to walk away again, trying to shut the door.

Joe stopped it from shutting again and followed her into the room. Turning around, she realised that he was still there.

"We're not done here Y/N."

"I don't understand you Joe! You told me that you would never let me get close yet now you are standing in my hotel room, after I walked away from you."

Joe didn't say anything after that. Mostly because he didn't understand himself either. He didn't know why he continued to talk to her. Y/N made her way towards the door. Just as she went past him he caught her wrist gently in his hand.

Looking up at him, she didn't dare breathe. He was so close to her just staring into her eyes, she fluttered her eyes down to look at his lips and when she looked up he was doing the same. Before she knew it, Joe brushed his lips against hers, waiting to see if she would push him away.

When she didn't, Joe put pressure into the kiss. It didn't take long for him to swipe his tongue against her lips asking for entrance. To start with she denied it, smirking slightly into the kiss, but then Joe carefully bit her bottom lip causing her to gasp. He took the opportunity to slide his tongue into her mouth, dominating the kiss.

Y/N slid her hand up to his hair, tugging on the soft strands causing him to moan. She knew he was talented with his voice, but that moan had to be the most beautiful thing she had ever heard, especially knowing that she was the cause of it. She repeated the action wanting to hear the noise again and he complied.

They made their way back across the room, still tangled up in each other when Joe turned them around and sat on her bed with her on his lap. Y/N couldn't believe what was happening. One minute the two of them were arguing and the next they were making out like there was no tomorrow. She kept one hand in his hair and slipped the other to grab at his waist, steadying herself.

She felt dizzy with the lack of oxygen but couldn't muster the strength to pull away from him. She didn't know how long she was sitting there on his lap, but she knew that she never wanted it to end. Eventually though Joe slowly pulled away, resting his forehead on hers. Neither of them opened their eyes as they caught their breath again. Joe leaned his head forward and pecked her now swollen lips gently before completely pulling away looking at her.

"Wow" Y/N whispered. She had never had a kiss that passionate before. She looked into Joe's eyes as sadness seemed to fill them. She pulled away slightly to get a better look at his face. As she did so, Joe tapped the side of her leg as a signal for her to get up. She took the hint and stood up, Joe did the same and avoided eye contact with her.

"I shouldn't have done that." Joe mumbled, it was barely audible but Y/N heard every word clearly.


"I shouldn't have kissed you. I need to leave." Joe made his way back towards the door.

"Wait, Joe." Y/N followed him and reached for his wrist, like he had done to her. "Where are you going? You can't just kiss me like that and leave!"

"Look, what do you want me to say? It's better this way alright." Joe slowly pulled his wrist out of Y/N's grasp and left her room before she could say another word. Leaving her embarrassed and confused.


The next morning, Y/N came down for breakfast. To start with she debated skipping it altogether, but people would suspect something was up if she didn't show. She assumed by the way Joe ran out last night that he didn't want anyone to know and she was still embarrassed.

Entering the dining hall, Y/N noticed that Joe was missing, letting out a small sigh of relief. Plastering on a smile, she greeted the four Leppards that were sitting at the table. Even though she thought she was doing a good job at hiding it, Sav could see that there was something wrong. Making a note to himself to mention it later, he decided to leave it for now.

After breakfast, they all made their way to the venue for soundcheck, Y/N followed Malvin around again, checking in on the guys every so often in case they needed anything. When Joe had joined them, he hadn't even spared her a glance.

Soon enough, everything was ready for the show, Y/N made her way back to the dressing room where the band was, knocking before she went in. When the door opened for her, Sav quickly pulled her out into the corridor again. She assumed that someone was getting dressed in there but Sav quickly let her know that wasn't the reason he pulled her outside.

"What's going on?" He asked her, a caring tone in his voice.

"What do you mean Sav?" She asked him. Genuinely baffled as to what he meant.

"Well, you've been quiet all day and you look like you've barely slept."

"I'm fine." She lied to him.

"Please don't lie to me Y/N/N."

Y/N sighed. She was torn, how could she tell Joe's best friend what happened. Knowing that Sav wasn't going to drop it, she decided to just tell him half the truth, leaving out the kiss.

"Me and Joe just got into a bit of a disagreement last night."

"I thought he went up to apologise?" Sav was confused.

"He did but I never got an apology from him and it escalated to an argument instead. He really isn't happy with me being on tour with you all. He doesn't want or need an assistant apparently."

"He doesn't mean that." Sav told her.

"It sounded like he did last night,"

"Joe's just going through a hard time at the minute. I don't want to make excuses for how he has treated you and I shouldn't be the one to say this but..." Sav paused and looked around him before continuing in a quieter voice. "Joe has just gone through a very nasty divorce. He's sworn himself off of all women in every aspect. It's nothing to do with you personally, just be patient with him."

Y/N knew that he had gone through a divorce recently, from what Bonnie had told her, but knowing now that he had decided not to trust any woman made her feel a little better. She could only hope that was why he ran out of her hotel room last night.

Nodding at Sav, Y/N gave him a small smile before gesturing that they go back into the dressing room. Sav went in first and Y/N took a deep breath, following him in. The first person she saw as she walked in was Joe, who was staring right at her.

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