Chapter 7

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The next day, after breakfast, Y/N made sure that the boys were ready to get back on the bus. They would be travelling to the next hotel today where they had a few days before their next show. Y/N felt awkward around Joe that morning. She had heard everything that was said out in the corridor the night before. Well everything before Phil dragged Sav and Joe into his room.

She knew that Joe didn't like her but the idea that he was so angered by her presence that he would argue with one of his oldest friends made her sick to her stomach.

They all sat on the bus that afternoon almost in silence. For Sav, Phil, Viv and Rick it was the idea that their assistant could leave them at the end of the first leg, someone that in less than three days, they had all become attached too. Especially Sav. He wanted nothing more than for his best friend to realise what he is preventing himself from having. Y/N could be really good for Joe, so what if she was younger than him, she was a smart, sweet girl who despite being treated badly by the singer, still wanted to know how she could make him like her, even just a little.

Sav looked over at Joe, seeing him stare into space, He had promised to be nicer to Y/N and Sav could only hope that he would keep that promise, just long enough so that she wouldn't run away.

Joe was thinking over everything that happened last night. Why did he feel so angry that Sav had one out with Y/N? Date or not, it was none of his business. He also didn't understand why the rest of the band kept giving the girl looks. All through breakfast and now on the bus, none of them spoke but they kept looking her way.

Joe decided that he wouldn't go out of his way to talk to her but being a little friendlier wouldn't go amiss if she was talking to him. Starting with addressing her as Y/N and not Miss Y/L/N.

The silence was broken by Y/N offering to make everyone a drink. Putting in an effort, Joe didn't ignore her when she asked what he wanted and instead asked her for a coffee, earning a small smile from the woman and a shocked look from Sav.

Vivian offered to help Y/N make the drinks and she didn't turn him down. Standing up, the two of them went to the little kitchenette to put the kettle on. Whilst she was busy, Y/N didn't notice the look that Sav gave Joe. Y/N and Vivian were making small talk about what she studied at university and how she ended up being an assistant, rather than get a job using her degree.

When they brought the drinks through, the rest of the band joined in on their conversation, all curious about what she was going to do once the tour was over. However, four of them found themselves wishing that she would join them on the next tour. Joe wasn't engaged at all in the conversation, this time though it was not because he didn't care. Instead Joe found himself wondering why she was there in the first place. How someone so intelligent settled for a job which was basically running around after five grown men.

As the conversation died down there was a slight awkward tension again. This didn't last for long as the bus pulled up at the new hotel. Getting off the bus, Vivian offered to get Y/N's bag whilst she went in to book them in, remembering how Malvin did it a few days ago.

However, there was a slight problem with the booking. Instead of the six rooms that the group needed, there were only three for the first night before the other rooms became available, meaning they would have to pair up. To start with Y/N tried to argue it, knowing that the correct number of rooms had been booked, but Sav, noticing how stressed she looked again, came up to the desk and told her that it was alright.

They organised it between themselves that Phil and Viv would share, Joe and Rick would share and Sav and Y/N would share. Sav arguing that it was best if he shared with her as he had spent the most time with her over the last three days, everyone agreed, most of them not wanting to make her uncomfortable around five men. Joe agreed so that he didn't have to share with her. He agreed to play nice but he wasn't going to share a room with her.

They all made their way up to their rooms. When Y/N and Sav entered theirs, they realised that there was only one bed. Sav cackled as he saw this.

"It's like some kind of bad film." Y/N laughed along with him.

"Don't worry love, I'll take the couch, it's only for one night." Sav smiled at her.

Y/N shook her head at that "No, Sav I can't let you do that."

"Nonsense, I'll be fine, I've slept in worse places and as I said it's only for the night, now let's go meet the guys downstairs before dinner."

Not bothering to argue with him anymore, the pair of them walked out the room, seeing Joe and Rick do the same. The four of them made their way downstairs when Y/N saw Malvin.

"I'm just going to explain the situation, I'll meet up with you in a minute." Y/N told them before making her way over to Malvin. As she told him what was going on, he offered to at least get one room for her sorted so she didn't have to share but she declined. Sav was right it was only one night and if she got another room now she would only have to move her stuff out of her room now and move it again the next day.


The next day, the other three rooms were free so they all had separate rooms again. It was the day before the next show and the boys decided to explore the area. They offered for Y/N to join them, but she had a few things to do herself. It was a day off for the boys but not for her. Mal had kindly offered to show her the ropes of being a tour manager, and she was happy to learn. Even if it was a skill she'd never need, it interested her to find out more about the behind the scenes of a tour.

Malvin and Y/N spent the day at the venue, making sure that everything was ready and that the set up was all on track. It was a busy day but Y/N enjoyed it. It reminded her of how much she loved uni, despite the stress of it all.

At the end of the day, Y/N and Malvin went back to the hotel with a few others to have something to eat. When they arrived Mal smiled as he saw Phil wave Y/N over. He encouraged her to go, glad that she was getting along with the band. He knew he made the right decision hiring her and he had seen potential in her all day.

Making her way to their table, she seated herself in the spare chair between Rick and Viv, Joe opposite her. The six of them spoke about their day, Y/N especially happy after shadowing Malvin all day. All of them apart from Joe seemed intrigued, Joe was just staring at the table again, not even pretending to engage in the conversation.

Y/N however, didn't pay much mind to him, already used to his attitude towards her. She didn't want to let anything ruin her day today.

After their meal, Malvin came over towards them.

"Y/N tell you how well she did today? I reckon she could take over my job." He laughed, earning a joyous reaction from Sav.

"Wouldn't be the worst thing." Sav jokes, earning a playful glare from Mal before he announced he was going to bed. Leaving them be, Malvin walked away again before Y/N excused herself from the table. She had to be up early in the morning to be back at the venue and wanted to make sure she was well rested. Going up to her room, Y/N had a smile on her face. Thinking that it might be alright if she did stay on tour with them all.

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