Chapter 11

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A few weeks passed by and nothing had changed between Joe and Y/N. They had been travelling around Asia and Y/N had enjoyed every minute of it. She had never been to this part of the world before, in fact, she had barely left England. She was having the time of her life touring with the band, learning from Mal and just finding a freedom she never had before.

However, the tension between her and Joe was almost enough to make her miserable. Since the kiss they shared a few weeks ago, Y/N had wanted nothing more than to do it again. In fact, if she was being honest with herself, she was starting to fall for the grumpy frontman, though she wasn't ready to be honest just yet.

It was obvious that the tension was getting to everyone else on tour. The not so discrete looks, the avoiding each other and the fact that Joe ignores every word she says. It led to many eye rolls, and under-the-breath comments by the other members of the band. Both were noticed by the two but they chose to ignore them.

Y/N just focused on doing her job and trying to stay out of Joe's way. The crush she developed on him was growing every time their eyes met across the room. In an attempt to avoid him, she decided to spend more time shadowing Malvin, showing her the ropes of being a tour manager. Something she had never considered as a career until now.

Little did she know that the more time she spent away from the band, the more time it gave them all time to talk about her. Getting fed up with the way the two were tip-toeing around each other, Sav decided it was time to tell Joe about the possibility of her leaving the tour. Sav had known the singer for twenty years, he knew that the last thing Joe really wanted was for Y/N to leave and then never see her again.

Sav wanted to go about it discreetly, knowing that if he broached the subject head on then he wouldn't get anywhere. The only problem was trying to set up the conversation.


That night the band had their fifth show in Japan and only a week left before Y/N had to make a decision - a decision that she had no idea how to make. She wanted to stay of course for many reasons, the money being top of the list. Then obviously the band, well Sav, Viv, Phil and Rick at least. She was also learning a lot on this tour from Malvin, giving her experience she never knew she wanted. The only thing pushing her away was Joe.

The idea that she was making him uncomfortable and unhappy on his own tour was enough on its own. The constant avoidance from the kiss he obviously regretted just added to it. Usually Y/N would try not to let it affect her. But with her growing feelings for the singer, it made it really difficult.

Whilst the band was on stage, Y/N was on standby as usual, but wasn't paying much attention, something Sav in particular noticed. When he swapped out his bass, she didn't even notice him leave the stage. He knew that sooner rather than later he would have to talk to Joe.


Later that night, Sav knocked on Joe's hotel door. A habit they all got into to prevent anyone walking in on something they shouldn't.

Joe answered his door fairly quickly, looking slightly surprised to see Sav there at that time of night, after they had all retired to their rooms for the evening.

"I suppose you want to come in." Joe sighed but moved to the side regardless. Sav nodded and entered the room. "Well?"

"Look Joe, I don't fully understand why you can't get along with Y/N but you really have to try." Sav told him. The plan of tip-toeing around the subject going out of the window.

"I did try for a while." Joe answered him, slightly confused about the urgency on Sav's face.

"Then what happened?"

"I don't know what you are talking about Sav." Joe played dumb, something Sav knew him not to be.

"Yes you do. Why are you back to being cold towards her, back to avoiding her?" Sav asked again, in no mood to play about.

"Why do you care?"

"Because she might be leaving in a week if you don't sort yourself out." Sav finally snapped, shocking Joe slightly.


Sighing Sav looked directly at Joe as he lowered his tone. "Malvin told her that after we finish the first leg of the tour then she has an out of her contract. She is considering leaving because she doesn't want to make you uncomfortable."

Joe looked away from his best friend, sitting down on the sofa in his room. "I take it she didn't tell you." He spoke after a minute.

"Tell me what?"

"We kissed a few weeks ago." Joe paused. "Then I ran out of her hotel room."

"You did what?" Sav asked shocked. Of all the reasons he thought Joe might be distant towards their assistant, that was not one of them.

"We kissed." Joe repeated.

"Yeah, I heard that. I mean why the hell did you run away?"

"Because." Joe took a deep breath. "I'm not ready yet." He let himself be vulnerable in front of one of the only people he fully trusted. Sav looked at him almost sympathetically. "Anyway it doesn't matter too much, I don't think she is interested."

If Sav hadn't been shocked before, he sure was now. It was obvious to anyone that Y/N liked Joe, despite everything.

"What on earth are you on about Joe? She's almost smitten with you."

"It didn't look like that to me. She was with that tech the other week, the day after we kissed."

Sav was now rolling his eyes. "Y/N wasn't interested in him. Like at all." He told Joe before he realised something. "You're jealous."

"No." Joe scoffed childishly.

"Yes you are." Sav grinned. "There's nothing wrong with that Joe but you have to tell her how you feel. If you don't, she'll leave and you'll never see her again."

"I can't Sav, I told you, I'm not ready yet."

"Tough Joe. You don't have time to get ready. She's not Karla. Give her a chance Joe." Sav tried to encourage him. "Look I'll leave you be for tonight, but you have to tell her soon or you will lose her." With that, Sav left Joe's room, a small smile on his face, Leaving his best friend to think everything over.

Joe was doing just that. He didn't sleep well that night thinking everything through. The idea of being with someone so soon after his divorce scared him, but the idea of losing Y/N scared him more. Deep down he knew he had feelings for her, making him feel like a teenager again. He just hadn't admitted it to himself before.

Now, after everything Sav had told him, he knew he had to say something before it was too late. The only thing he couldn't think of was how to tell her without sounding like an idiot. With the way he had behaved towards her since the day he met her. Not calling her by her first name, ignoring her, kissing her and walking away and then going back to ignoring her, he was sure that if Sav was right and she did have feelings for him, then they would be long gone by now. Confessing would only make him look like an idiot.


The next day they had their final show in Tokyo before their final two of that leg of the tour. It was obvious to everyone that Joe hadn't had much sleep, but it was only obvious to Sav why. With an encouraging nod from the bassist, Joe made his way over to where Y/N was helping to organise soundcheck. Clearing his throat, and unintentionally scaring her, Joe caught her attention.

"Mind if I have a word?"

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