Chapter 12

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Y/N jumped as she heard his voice. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Joe standing there.

"Mind if I have a word?"

She nodded at him and allowed him to lead her to a quieter corner, away from the roadies bustling about.

"Look," He started, looking down at his feet. "I want to say I am sorry for ignoring you."

"It's fine Joe. I know you regret what happened so let's just forget it yeah?" Y/N told him and went to walk away before Joe stopped her.

"No it's not okay. I need you to know that I am really sorry.."

Y/N interrupted him before he could finish.

"Yes Joe, it is okay. I have to get back to work." With that she left Joe standing on his own, not really knowing what to do.


Y/N didn't say another word to Joe for the rest of the evening, wordlessly handing him his water during the show and only asking if he needed anything when asking everyone collectively.

Y/N went on to ignore him for the rest of their time in Tokyo and soon they found themselves travelling to Yokohama. They travelled by bus during the evening and slept there that night. The rest of the band could yet again feel the tension between the two.

Y/N stayed in her bunk for the evening as soon as they got on the bus, claiming to not be feeling very well. Rick went to go check on her a few times but she only emerged once the entire night to use the bathroom. When she was on her way back she bumped into Joe, who once again tried to speak to her, but she quickly made her excuses and went back to bed.

Sitting on the bus couch with a huff, Joe caught Sav's attention. Sav, noticing that the rest of the band's attention was elsewhere, quietly spoke to him.

"What's going on Joe?"

"She won't talk to me. At all." Joe told him.

"Is that why she is in bed early?" Sav asked him, although he already knew the answer; it was obvious.

"Yeah. I don't know how to get her to talk to me." Joe confessed, looking at the bassist.

"Well, you had to expect some resistance from her."


Sav took one look at Joe's confused face and decided to explain further. "You ran away from her after you kissed her. She is probably embarrassed and doesn't want to dwell on it."

"So how am I meant to talk to her?"

"Just keep trying Joe. The rest of us have tried but I think she will only listen to you." Sav got up and said goodnight to everyone before heading off to bed himself, playing into Y/N's 'sickness' fib and checking on her.

He crouched down and gently spoke to her through the curtain of her bunk before moving it aside.

"Hey Y/N, how're you feeling?" Sav gently asked her. Y/N sighed.

"I'm fine, Sav, just feeling a bit sick." She told him, technically not lying. She was feeling unwell due to everything that had happened.

"I spoke to Joe." He whispered. "He told me what happened."

Y/N quickly got out of her bunk and pulled Sav by his wrist further away from the others.

"What did he tell you?" She asked him, although she had a fair idea what it was.

"That he kissed you then ran away. Look Y/N, talk to him please."

"I don't know Sav..."

"Please. Just talk to him. Let him explain everything."

The look on Sav's face was enough to get Y/N to consider talking to Joe. She nodded at the bassist and he put his hand on her arm, giving her a comforting squeeze. He then left her to go back to bed whilst he went to get ready for sleep himself. On her way back to her bunk, she saw Joe looking at her. Giving him a weak smile, Y/N climbed back into her bed and let the movement of the bus lull her into a light slumber.


The next morning, Y/N checked the band into the hotel. Giving them all their room keys, she once again told them her room and what time they would have to be at soundcheck the next day. Technically, unless the band needed anything, it was her day off. Y/N planned on spending the day on her own, however that plan was soon squashed by a knock on her door.

Y/N tripped on her suitcase and stumbled the rest of the way to the door as she went to answer it, face going completely red in the process feeling mortified despite no one seeing her trip. When she opened the door, she was face to face with Joe. The shock added to the redness in her face.

"Are you alright?" Joe questioned her when he saw her.

"Uhh, yeah. Yeah I'm okay." She smiled, slightly out of breath.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I uh, tripped over my suitcase." Y/N looked down as she confessed that and opened her door slightly so Joe could see her clothes thrown halfway across the floor.

Joe held back his laughter at this, sensing her shame.

"How can I help you Joe?" Y/N asked him, desperate to change the subject.

"We need to talk." Joe told her simply, getting straight to the point.

"I know." She agreed, finally looking him in the eye. "Come in."

Joe hesitated for a second before stepping into her room. Y/N shut the door behind him and led him over to the sofa that was in her room.

"Sav told me you might be leaving the tour." Joe said as he sat down next to her.

"Might being the operative word." Y/N told him as she let out a sigh. "Look Joe, I don't know what I am going to do but we can't carry on like this. Me leaving might be the solution."

"It won't." Joe quickly added. "It's not you that is the problem."

"And I get that, but it's not like you can leave, is it? Mal has given me an out if I want before my contract becomes permanent for the rest of the tour."

"You shouldn't have to leave your job though. The guys all love you and we will all miss you if you go."

"I'm sure any replacement will be just as good as me, Mal won't have it any other way."

"You say that as if you have already made a decision." Joe mumbled.

"I haven't."

"Then please don't go. At least consider staying."

"I've thought of almost nothing else." Y/N confessed. "I promise I'll think about it alright. Why don't you go get some rest. You have another show tomorrow." Y/N told him, effectively ending their conversation. Joe nodded and stood up, his hand brushing against hers. He looked into her eyes as he raised his hand slowly and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"See you later." Joe whispered as he moved away from her, walking out of her room, Leaving Y/N with her heart pounding.

When Love and Hate Collide | Joe Elliott x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum