Chapter 3

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Y/N found herself holding her breath yet again as she stood in the awkward silence. In order to avoid eye-contact she looked at her feet and waited for the lift to finally stop. There wasn't any talk between the two but Y/N could feel Joe's eyes on her. Part of her wanted to talk to him and ask him why he disliked her so much. But the other part of her couldn't muster the courage to make a sound.

After what felt like a year, the lift came to a stop in the lobby and Y/N waited for Joe to leave. As soon as he did, Y/N felt the tension roll away. Walking out before the doors closed again, Y/N made her way to the front entrance.

She had to pass the group heading to soundcheck on her way. As she did she heard them all say goodbye to her. Waving at them all she walked up to Malvin and asked if there was anything else he needed her to do. After getting the all clear she went on her way.


Finally she finished shopping. Making her way back to the bus, Y/N quickly unpacked everything as they would be staying on the bus that night and went inside the venue. She was very pleased that everything was within walking distance and she didn't have to go too far.

As she went inside she could hear all sorts of sounds as various roadies were doing the final preparations for the show. Y/N spotted Malvin quite quickly, making her way over to him.

"Y/N, I'm glad you're here. Do you mind going backstage and making sure the boys have everything they need? Joe will need a few water bottles especially for his voice and the others may need one or two." Malvin told her before pointing her in the right direction and walking away again.

Y/N put on a brave face and made her way backstage. It didn't take too long to find the dressing rooms. They all had individual ones but there was a main green room as well. Knowing better than to just walk in, Y/N knocked on the door and waited to be let in.

It was only a few seconds before she heard Sav's voice shouting permission for her to enter. She did so slowly. Once she was inside she shut the door again, noticing that there were four smiles in her direction.

Phil and Viv had their guitars on their laps, whilst Sav held his bass and Rick had a drumstick in his hand. It didn't take too much for Y/N to realise that she had interrupted a rehearsal.

"Malvin just sent me back here to see if you guys needed anything before I get your water ready for the show." She looked around at the boys, all but one gave her their full attention. The boys all shook their heads apart from Joe. Realising she would have to ask him separately, Y/N took a deep breath. Something she had been doing a lot around him.

"Joe?" She asked him. Much like that morning at breakfast, he lifted his head up at his name but refused to make eye contact. He just shook his head and went back to ignoring her. Nodding her head slightly, she informed them all that she would be back with their water for the show. She dreaded the next few hours where she would have to sit with them all in case they needed anything. She loved their company but with Joe there, there was always an air of tension, making everyone uncomfortable.

Y/N went to the store room that the venue had put aside for things to be held for the band and retrieved water for all the guys. Carrying them back in a crate, Y/N didn't see someone walking towards her until the last minute. Bumping into them, Y/N started to apologise again, still not seeing who it was. All the bottles had fallen to the floor and she quickly crouched down to pick them up. The person in front of her hesitated before kneeling down to help her.

Sending them her thanks, Y/N looked up to see the one and only Joe Elliott. Internally face palming for bumping into him yet again, She apologised again before getting cut off.

"It's fine." Joe mumbled, "Let me just help you take these to the dressing room." Although he offered, Y/N got from the tone of his voice that it was the last thing he wanted to be doing. Y/N just let him help her, not wanting to upset him anymore than she already seemed to. After they got all the bottles in the crate, Y/N went to pick them up but was stopped by Joe doing so.

"It's obvious that if you carry these you'll bump into someone again, so just let me." Joe snapped at her. Having enough of his attitude towards her over the last two days, Y/N started talking before she could stop herself.

"Why do you hate me?" She asked him. Instantly regretting saying anything when she saw him roll his eyes.

"Not everyone always gets along, Little Miss Perfect." Joe told her sharply. Ignoring the name calling, Y/N decided to push it further. If she was going to spend the next year with this man, then she at least needed to know why he was acting like this towards her.

"I know that" Y/N spoke trying to keep her voice calm, not showing him how nervous he was making her, "But I haven't, to my knowledge, actually done anything to you to warrant this hostility."

"Maybe not. I know what you are doing and I'm not going to let you do it."

Y/N looked at him quizzically, "What am I doing?" She asked him.

"Don't take me for a fool Miss Y/L/N. This must be great for you, travelling with rockstars, spending every minute with them. Just know that I'm never going to let you get too close." Joe clenched his fists around the crate. Walking on ahead, leaving Y/N more confused than before.

Reluctantly, Y/N follows him to the dressing room. Their argument, if she could even call it that, had left her feeling sick almost, it was one thing not to like her, but another to accuse her of something, not telling her what it was.

The rest of the band could feel the thick air as the two walked back into the dressing room. Joe walked back out again, mumbling something about 'finally going to the bathroom' and Sav looked at Y/N for answers.

"Everything alright?" He asked her softly. He couldn't and quite frankly didn't want to, believe that his best friend could treat someone this way. Nodding her head, Y/N told him not to worry about it. Wanting him to just focus on their first show of the tour. Sav took this as an answer for now, knowing that he would have to find out more at some point for the sake of everybody on the tour.


The show went great, like always. Y/N went and watched from the side. This was her first Def Leppard show and she could only imagine if it was this great from backstage, then it must have been fantastic for the fans, surrounded by the atmosphere of the rest of the audience. She held the water on the side for all five of them, Joe coming to her twice for some water. Both times he nodded in thanks and left again straight after.

Y/N congratulated all of them as they finally left the stage after their encore. Joe walked straight past her but Sav and Viv gave her a sweaty hug and Phil and Rick walked with her as they went back to their dressing room. There was a set of showers down the corridor so all five went off to shower and Y/N waited for them before she would help escort them to the hotel. By help she meant, walk with them and try not to get trampled by fans.


Going back to the hotel had been a task but the band went to the hotel bar to celebrate. Not necessarily with alcohol but to unwind after the show. They had a few days before the next show, so one late night wouldn't matter. Tomorrow the band will make their way to the next hotel and rest. Y/N let them all have time as a band, refusing Viv's offer to join them and went upstairs to her room for an early night.

However, that didn't quite go to plan. She couldn't settle and decided that she would go for a short walk instead. She had a few hours before the hotel locked up for the night. Going downstairs, she hadn't realised how stressed out she looked. The disagreement with Joe running through her head. As she left the lift, she saw Sav about to get in. When he saw her appearance however, he stopped her.

"Where're you going?" He asked her, putting his hand on her arm in an attempt to comfort her.

"Just for a walk. I won't be long." She smiled at him.

"Mind if I join?" Sav knew there was something bothering her but didn't know what. He also knew that LA wasn't the safest alone at night and wanted to make sure she was alright. Y/N nodded at him and allowed him to walk alongside her. Not noticing a pair of eyes watching them leave.

When Love and Hate Collide | Joe Elliott x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now