Chapter 15

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Warning: Reference to smut

It had been a few weeks since Y/N and Joe first slept together and things were going great. Def Leppard had restarted their tour in America and they were about halfway through the American leg before they started in Canada.

Joe and Y/N had taken to sharing a hotel room, it was pointless booking two when one of them would always find themselves in the other's room every night. The rest of the band teased them relentlessly, but deep down they were all happy for Joe. He had been miserable for so long and now he had found someone else, someone who could be good for him.

The couple didn't really put a label on anything yet. They both knew that they would eventually end up in a committed relationship with each other, but Joe wasn't ready for that yet and Y/N respected that.

One morning the pair of them lied in bed naked. Joe had his arm wrapped around Y/N as she cuddled into his side. Both of them were content with the silence that enveloped them. Joe ran his fingers up and down her spine.

"Love?" Joe spoke, breaking the peace between them, not that either of them minded.

"Mmm." Y/N hummed in response. Joe smiled down at her sleepy expression.

"We have a ten-day break in a few days.." Joe started before trailing off. Y/N opened her eyes and looked up at him.


"Well, I was wondering if you would like to go on a proper date with me. Not that what we've been doing isn't great." Joe wiggled his eyebrows cheekily.

Y/N laughed softly. "I would love to."

Joe pulled her closer to him and kissed the top of her head. Smiling contently, Y/N kissed Joe's bare chest, allowing his soft breathing to lull her back to sleep.


It wasn't long after Y/N drifted off that they both had to wake up properly for the day. They had a day of travelling that day from Arkansas to Texas. It was about an eight hour drive so they had to leave early and they would all be sleeping on the bus that night.

Everyone met downstairs for breakfast. Moving towards the dining room, Sav spoke up.

"Shame you have to spend your birthday travelling Joe." Sav patted the man on the shoulder.

This caught Y/N's attention. Snapping her head up, she saw Joe's eyes go wide.

"Your what?" She questioned.

"His birthday?" Sav looked between the pair. "He did tell you right?"

"No he didn't." Y/N gave Joe a pointed look. Joe just let out a sigh.

"I knew we'd be travelling and wouldn't be able to do anything so I didn't bother to mention it." Joe told her. It wasn't like he didn't like his birthday being celebrated but there wasn't much that could be done.

"You still should have told me Joe." Y/N spoke softly, making sure Joe knew that she wasn't really annoyed that he hadn't told her.

The subject changed as breakfast was served and then the group went to check out before loading back onto the tour bus.

"Reckon we should get Joe a cake or something?" Y/N asked Sav and Rick as she sat down near them. Joe was using the bathroom so he couldn't hear her.

"I suppose so." Rick agreed and Sav nodded telling Y/N Joe's favourite flavour. At the rest stop Y/N would try and find a cake that Joe would like. He was right, there wasn't much that could be done on a bus but the least they could do was get him a cake.

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