Chapter #27 - Falling Tree Branch

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"Kolor! What happened?" Grougaloragran asked with a panicked tone in his voice. Kolor looked around anxiously.

"So Adamai is down too..." Kolor whispered to himself. "Welp, I'm guessing that none of you have your reservoirs?" he asked a little louder.

The council all nodded to confirm the thought.

"We must go get them. They're the only thing our culture has left," he demanded, "We would have to restart from nothing at all!"

Mina, Nora, and Balthezaar nodded.

"You remind Balthezaar of the traitor with your words," Balthezaar commented. Kolor looked startled when he said this and, rather frightened, told him, "You know very well that's not my intent."

With that being said, he leaped off in the direction of the kingdom.

"I can get all nine in a wing beat," he yelled at them.

Balthezaar sighed with relief. 'If anyone could keep the greatest secret of all, it's him. Thank the goddess that's true, because if he said seven...'

A falling tree branch cut off his thoughts. Glip took no time to portal it about a half mile away.

"What was that for?!" Glip yelled at Mina and Nora.

"Glip... that wasn't us," Mina insisted. Glip glared at her until they heard Chibi mumbling.

The eight members of the council turned to him.

"Grougal... Grougal where are you?" He slurred longingly. He was still asleep, but that didn't change the fact that he was wild. Grougaloragran ran from Adamai to him.

"I'm here," Grougaloragran whispered in response. He put his hands under Chibi's hat and messed with his hair a little. It calmed him down when he was little. Chibi curled into a ball as his response.

Grougaloragran took his hands out and instead held Chibi in his wings.

Nevertheless, Chibi's wakfu was getting out of control. Grougaloragran remembered a method that Kolor taught him as he pushed some of his own wakfu into Chibi's to suppress it. Mina stood there with a puzzled look in her eyes.

"I just don't understand what caused this condition... He almost sounds like he's in pain"

"Balthezaar wonders what you're thinking, Grougaloragran. As with little Chibi," Balthezaar told him.

Grougaloragran thought for a moment before responding, "Grougaloragran had hypothesized that this is a result of Kerqek. After all, no one has ever been medicated for longer than a mere thirty minutes." The other seven of them nodded in agreement.

"Makes sense."

Shinonome looked into the distance during the awkward silence. 'I can't this for him... How can you all that during a war?' She thought. She tapped her foot on the ground rhythmically and impatiently.

"Shinonome... What troubles you?" Nora asked sympathetically.

"I have hid something for too long... I think it's been three or four years," she hinted.

"Efrim remembers that year. Ralo sighed up for his postion, we hired Xenlyr, we finished Resselb, and..." Efrim paused dramatically gasping.


"And... And Kolor was welcomed into the council by the Eliatrope herself," he sighed. Shinonome intertwined her fingers uncomfortably and sighed as well.

"You know more, don't you?" Glip asked her, crossing his arms. She nodded reluctantly and sat down in the grass with the rest of the council.

"The days better he came to the castle gate and shyly asked for an audience. I led Kolor to a private room to talk to him about the rules before it hit me. I knew him by heart. Knowing his identity, I took him to him dress properly; he looked like he had been working for a whole month! Before I brought him before you and Eliatrope, he asked me to never share his name with you," she revealed to them, leaving out what they really needed.

"He was going by Q then, correct?" Mina inquired more. She looked deep into Shinonome's eyes to see if she would lie to her.

"Yes," Shinonome began, "But that was only an initial. That isn't what I'm worried about. Kolor told me more about himself and slowly realized that I knew who he was. He told me about the Villain's Citizenship and his experience in the medicine fills there. More importantly..."

She paused, taking a deep breath, and revealed, "...he constantly mentioned his great protégé, Ralocolcourtay." 

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