Chapter #42 - Queen Annefarr

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"Oh... Chibi," Balthezar answered, "It's a bit unclear what happened because we're missing part of the story, but someone overdosed him on a sedative we call Kerquek. He's ok at the moment, but we don't know how long its effects will last."

"In fear, Grougaloragran took him away from the plain we had been in and flew off. Mina and Glip went to go find him, and Adamai went to find Yugo."

"Where's Yugo?"

"Another long story. Yugo, we think, was taken by Ralo and then moved to a separate location, but we can't confirm his safety wherever he went."

Annefarr thought for a moment in silence.

"Why are Kolor and Shinonome's hands tied?" she questioned further.

"Oh uhm..." Balthezar stopped not knowing how much information he could give away. He looked at Phearys as he said, "That information is classified."

Annefarr took another moment to think.

"If you hand over Madellinn, I will let your council sleep in my castle, but there are too many of you to let all of you in. The citizens would have to camp outside the castle on the east side, away from Elger Nouvelle. Just cause trouble or harm to any of the forest or your situation will get worse," Queen Annefarr offered. The council present exchanged glances.

"Aren't we not allowed to make deals without Adamai's approval?" Nora whispered.

"Yeah, so what are we going to do?" Efrim whispered back, "This is a matter of safety. If we break one rule to keep every Eliatrope safe, don't you think that Yugo won't mind?" Nora and Bathezar nodded in agreement.

The council formed a small circle.

Phearys, of course challenged them by saying, "A rule breach is a rule breach; I don't want to be kicked out of the council. Eliatrope is strict, you know."

"Don't even worry about it. The council is only judged every thousand years anyway," Nora tried to reassure him.

"A thousand years could be tomorrow," Phearys responded, "We lost count of the years a while ago."

"Fair," Balthezar and Efrim agreed. Nora rolled her eyes.

"So then, what in the World of Twelve do we do? Return to Elger Nouvelle?" she asked sarcastically.

"A say majority ruling. We'll do what makes sense," Balthezar suggested. All but Phearys agreed to take the offer.

Opening the circle, Balthezar turned back to Queen Annefarr and told her, "We accept your offer. We'll get Madellinn to you as soon as possible."

"Thank you. I'll treat you to a meal before you leave, though," Annefarr told them.

The council entered the Sadidan castle now conflicted about whether they had done the right thing or not. 

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