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Summary: Taylor gets sick and Travis takes care of her.

Taylor tossed and turned in her bed, trying to find a comfortable position. Her constant turning in bed 'caused her to move out of Travis' arms, which is what woke him up. He's usually a pretty heavy sleeper but when he no longer had his girl in his arms, it wakes him up pretty quickly.

"Tay? What's going on?" He groans, trying not to fall back to sleep.

"I'm hot." Taylor moans, kicking the blanket off of her body. Travis chuckles. "I know. But why are you tossing and turning like that?"

Taylor didn't reply as she groaned again. Travis finally understood what she meant when he felt the heat radiating off of her body. He opened his eyes fully and turned his head to look at Taylor. He moved to place the back of his hand on her forehead. "Woah, you're burning up."

"That's what I've been trying to tell you." Taylor groaned in pain, her whole body aching.

"Here, I'm gonna get a thermometer, babe. Stay here." Travis kissed her warm forehead and rushed out of bed. "Where the hell am I gonna go." Taylor mumbled to herself.

Travis returned soon after and put the thermometer under her tongue, brushing his hand through her hair while they waited.

After the thermometer beeped, he removed it from under her tongue and his eyes widened. "1o1.8" he sighed. "Tell me what the symptoms are. Headache? Runny nose?" He asked, brushing another strand of hair out of the way that was sticking to her sweaty forehead.

"Uh, my head is pounding, my nose is stopped up, my whole body aches, I'm incredibly hot." Taylor groaned. She remained in silence for a few seconds before her eyes widened and she looked at Travis. "I- I feel like I'm about to throw up." Travis could see the genuine panic that's flooding her face and his heart broke at how scared she looked.

"Hey, hey, c'mon, let's get you to the bathroom." Travis jumps out of bed and helps her stand up. He leads her into the bathroom and manages to get to the toilet before she starts to throw up. Travis grabbed her hair and held it out of the way while rubbing circles on her back.

They stayed like that for a couple minutes until Taylor finished and slumped back against Travis, tears streaming down her face. "Sh, sh. It's okay, baby." Travis set his chin on her head and they remained on the bathroom floor with taylor wrapped up in travis' arms.

"I don't feel well." Taylor moaned out. "I know, baby. How about we get you in the shower and I'll make you a nice breakfast and we can relax in bed and watch Friends. Does that sound good?"

Taylor nodded slowly and Travis helped her stand up fully. "Okay. Do you want me to help get you in the shower or can you do it?" By the way she wobbled when she tried to stand up straight, Travis guessed she'd probably need help. "Help." She mumbled.

"Okay, here, let me just turn on the water." Travis turned the water on a setting that wasn't hot but wasn't freezing cold. He helped her undress and step in the shower. "Okay, I'll set out a towel and nice, comfy pajamas for you and get started on breakfast. If you get done before I get back just crawl in bed and I'll be back soon, okay?" Taylor hummed in acknowledgment and Travis chuckles, closing the sliding the shower door shut and getting her out some pajamas and a towel, setting them next to the shower before heading downstairs to make breakfast.

After Travis finished making breakfast, he put it all on a lap table and headed back upstairs. When he opened the door to the bedroom, Taylor was just crawling into bed in her pajamas, her hair wet and curly.

Hey, how're you feeling?" Travis asked, walking fully into the room. "Like shit." Taylor replied numbly.

Travis set the food on her lap and climbed into bed next to her. "Why's there two of everything?" Taylor questioned, slightly lisping due to her nose being stopped up.

"Oh, I made some for me too. I just didn't wanna carry it separately." Travis took his food off of the table and set it on his lap that was being covered by the thick blanket.

"Okay, now let's watch Friends. That sound okay?" Taylor nodded and Travis flicked the tv to Friends before setting the remote on the nightstand and starting to eat his food. As he started to pick up his fork, he felt Taylor grab his wrist and put his arm around her while she cuddled into his side.

Travis grabbed the fork from the hand Taylor grabbed and switched it to his other hand, settling in with the fact that he would have to go one handed for breakfast. He didn't mind, though. As long as his girl was comfortable and happy.

They ate breakfast quietly while chuckling at the tv ever so often. After they finished, Travis took the plates and silverware downstairs, even though Taylor didn't want him to leave even for a second. So he hurried and ran back upstairs as to not keep his sick girlfriend waiting.

He got back in the room and Taylor looked up at him. She immediately reached her arms out and made grabby hands. Travis chuckled at her adorableness and climbed back into bed. Taylor cuddled back into him and they continued to watch friends.


Taylor and Travis have been in bed for about two hours now, Taylor eventually fell asleep , her head nuzzled into Travis' neck. Travis wasn't tired though so he just turned the volume of the tv down and watched it silently.

A ringing could be heard from Taylor's nightstand and his eyes widened, he quickly reached over and grabbed her phone, trying not to wake her up. Her mom was FaceTiming. Travis knew that Taylor doesn't miss calls from her mom so he decided to answer it.

He hit answer and Andrea's face appeared on the screen. "Hi." Travis smiled shyly.

"Uh, Travis? Why're you answering my daughters phone? Where's Taylor?" Andrea began to grow frantic as the million thoughts of what could go wrong run through her head.

"She's, uh, she's sick." Travis replied. That didn't do anything to calm Andrea's fears as she looked even more worried so Travis kept going. "Nothing to worry about, I'm taking care of her. She's asleep right next to me, which is why I answered her phone." Travis moved the phone to show Taylor passed out on him.

"Oh, my baby." Andrea sighed. Although Taylor was peacefully sleeping, you could still very much tell that she was sick. "Do I need to drive down there?"

Travis shook his head. "No, ma'am. It's okay. I mean, I'm not saying you can't. If you wanna check on her, you're more than welcome to. But I'm taking care of her and making sure she's okay."

"Okay, well then I'll let you take care of her. I'll call a little later, okay?" Travis nodded and adjusted his arm so it wasn't as uncomfortable. "Thank you, Travis. She's lucky to have you."

Travis smiled shyly. "I think it's me thats lucky to have her, ma'am." Andrea smiled at her daughters boyfriend. "Well, I'll let you get back to it. Take care of my baby."

"I will." Travis nodded and they said their goodbyes. Travis set her phone back down on her nightstand and decided that he was tired. So he turned the tv down a little bit more and laid down fully with Taylor so they could cuddle easier.

"She's right, I am lucky to have you, baby." Taylor mumbled from his side and Travis chuckled. This girl.

"You are quite the eavesdropper, aren't you?" Travis asked, kissing her head.

Taylor chuckled from next to him. "It's not eavesdropping when it's my boyfriend talking to my mother on my phone." She defended.

Travis laughed and shook his head, pulling Taylor closer into him. "Let's go back to bed, darling." Travis kissed her on the forehead and they cuddled back into each other.

"I love you, Trav. Thank you for taking care of me."

"I love you too, baby. Of course, I'll do anything for you."

And they eventually both fell asleep, wrapped up in each others warm embrace.

I actually wasn't expecting to update again so soon but I hit a random burst of inspiration, lol😂

Hope you liked it🫶

Do y'all know if Tay Tay is gonna be at the game today?!

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