Slip and Falling

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Sorry for any typos<3

This was a request🫶

I really don't like this that much which is why I'm gonna go ahead and post it because I don't think it deserves to be the only post for the day and I already posted a chapter of Endgame😭

Summary: Taylor falls off the folklore cabin during a show.


"But it would've been fun, if you would've been the one." Taylor sang to the crowd of people. The beat to the song started to slowly fade and Taylor got up to walk down the steps of the folklore cabin.

As she was about halfway down, she accidentally stepped on her dress and tumbled forward.

"Fuck!" She exclaimed as her body jolted forward and started failing off of the cabin. There was a collective gasp in the audience when Taylor hit the ground before people started screaming in worry when Taylor's body remained still.

Most of the backup dancers quickly ran over to her while a couple called for help.

"Taylor? Tay!" Kam exclaimed, shaking Taylor on the ground in an attempt to wake her up.

"Kam, that's not doing anything!" Jan exclaimed.

"Well, it's better than what you guys are doing!" He replied.

Then a couple medics ran up and kneeled down in front of Taylor. "Oh, yeah. That's probably a good idea."

They quickly helped get her off the stage while tree rushed to call Travis and the rest of Taylor's family.


"Okay, take five! But then we're getting right back to it!" Andy called out and the team started heading towards the benches, taking their helmets off.

They were currently working on a play that they couldn't seem to get just right. They were working at it for a good thirty minutes straight. Andy could see how exhausted they were so finally agreed to give them a small break.

Travis headed over to his bag and grabbed his water bottle and he heard his phone ringing so he quickly grabbed it to see who it was.

"Tree?" He muttered. Tree very rarely called him. The last time she did it was 'cause Taylor had a really exhausting day and ended up breaking down at the end of it 'cause of the stress. She kept crying for Travis until Tree eventually called him, even though he was about to go out there for a game, and he calmed her down. But she hasn't called him other than that.

"Tree? What's going on?" He answered and a couple players who were nearby glanced at him

"Travis? Taylor's fallen off the cabin at her show."  She quickly said and Travis' eyes widened.

"WHAT?!" He exclaimed, causing everyone to look at him. "Is- is she okay?" He asked, trying to calm his breathing.

"Uh, they took her to the hospital." Tree replied.

"I'll be right there." Travis said, tossing his water bottle back in his bag.

"If you're too busy then you don't have to rush here. We're gonna look after her." Tree replied.

"Tree, I think you're an amazing publicist, but if you think that I'm not gonna rush down there when I find out that my girlfriend is in the hospital then you are out of your mind, okay?"

"Okay, yeah. We'll get Taylor's jet ready." Tree replied.

"Thank you." Travis hung up the phone and saw all of his teammates staring at him with worry. "Taylor's in the hospital?" Patrick asked.

Travis nodded. "Yeah, she fell off of the cabin she sits on during folklore. I need to get down there. Where's coach?"

Patrick pointed behind him where Andy was just walking up, staring down at his clipboard.

Travis whipped around and jogged the final few feet to Andy. "Coach. I need to go!"

"Huh? Why's that, Kelce?" Andy asked, raising an eyebrow, thinking Travis is gonna try to think of an excuse.

"Taylor's in the hospital." He replied and Andy's face went blank. "What? Uh- yeah. Go, go. Don't worry about it." Andy replied.

"Thanks coach." Travis ran back over to his duffel bag and zipped it up. "Don't forget to give us updates, Trav." Andy said and Travis nodded, throwing his bag over his shoulder and running off towards the locker rooms to quickly change back into his normal clothes.

After changing, he rushed out and towards his car right before Tree sent him the text that her jet was ready and waiting.

Travis headed off towards the airport as quickly as he could without getting caught for speeding, which he most definitely was doing.

After he got to the airport, he was greeted by the pilots and he got on the plane as quickly as he could. It was a fifteen hour flight so now all there's left to do was worry and hope it goes better then it seems.


When they had landed in Tokyo, Travis has jumped out of his seat and waited anxiously until he was told that he could get off. Tree told him before he got on that she'd be tracking the jet and be there to pick him up so that's who he was looking for.

When he stepped out of the plane, he saw tree standing in front of a car and he rushed over to her. "Tree! Is she okay? Is she awake? What happened? How hard did she hit the ground?" Travis rambled on.

"Travis, Travis. Calm down. She'll be okay." Tree replied and Travis audibly sighed. "Thank god. Is she awake?"

Tree nodded. "Yeah, but she's in a lot of pain and kinda out of it 'cause of all the pain meds. And her parents are already up there so she had them to keep her company for now."

Travis nodded. "Okay."

They got in the car and started heading towards the hospital. When they got there, Travis hopped out of the car and followed Tree up to Taylor's room.

When they walked in, they saw Andrea holding her daughter's hand, mumbling something to her while she tries her best to focus. You could tell she was a little out of it just by looking at her. She had an oxygen tube hooked up to her nose and it looked like a bandage around her stomach based on the way her shirt looked, like something was under it.

"Baby?" Travis mumbled, trying to get her attention. She turned her head to him. "Trav?" She mumbled, her eyes filling with tears.

"Hey, sweetie. How're you feelin'?" He asked, walking up closer and putting his hand on her cheek.

"Tired." She sniffled. "My stomach hurts. And so does my head. They put a bandage on my stomach." She explained tiredly. "And they gave me oxygen."

Travis just looked at her with heart eyes as she talked. "What?" She finally asked after noticing his stare. "Nothing. I'm just so glad that you're okay." Travis sighed, giving her a peck on her very dry lips. "I love you." He mumbled.

"I love you too." She replied.

Someone suddenly coughed, breaking them apart. "So, who's hungry?" Scott asked and Andrea just rolled her eyes at him.

Taylor insisted on chicken strips, to nobody's surprise, so that's what everyone got just to make everything easier. Travis helped Taylor eat because she was saying her arms hurt and she already could barely stay awake.

"I'm tired." She whined after she finished her last chicken strip. "Okay, baby. Go to sleep. We'll be here when you wake up, okay?"

Taylor nodded. "Okay." She then closed her eyes and was out of it minutes later.

I hate this sm but I didn't wanna scrap it and start over 'cause I'm lazy


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