A Leader's Task

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Requested by @rebel784


Echo's POV

The Spy Racers completed their mission in a hurry, mainly because they wanted to be home and have some time to themselves. Frostee had a new videogame he wanted to play, Cisco wanted to experiment with a new recipe, Layla needed to redye her hair, and Tony wanted to go to some event for his sister. Everyone but Echo had something they wanted to do.

Echo was the only one at the garage since everyone had left to go do their own thing. She wasn't sure what to do with herself, so she decided to train a little with her fighting and think about the mission and what happened during it.

The Spy Racers almost died again, and this time, it might've possibly been Echo's fault. She had tried taking the lead again from Tony without him realizing this time. But like last time, she led the team wrong and nearly got them killed.

Echo knew that what she did was wrong and decided that she either needed to learn what she was doing wrong or backoff. And backing off seemed like the right way to go. Tony was the one meant for the position of leader, and she couldn't handle it for some reason

Why, Echo didn't know. She had the training and Tony didn't, so why couldn't she lead the team right without nearly getting them killed? It didn't make sense and it was starting to make Echo mad. 

Finally finishing her workout after 10 minutes, Echo checked the time and noticed that it was getting late. She left the garage, stopped by a fast-food place to pick up some food, and drove to her apartment.

When Echo got into her apartment and sat down to eat, Echo's phone started ringing. Layla's contact was showing as she picked up her phone while chewing on some food. Echo almost didn't want to talk to Layla and debated on letting it go to voicemail, but decided to answer the phone anyway.


"Hey, Echo."

"What's up?"

"About today's mission. You seemed off."

"Oh, well I'm fine."

"You don't sound it. Does it have anything to do with crew?"

"No... everything is fine. Don't worry about it."

"Look, I'm not good at sharing my feelings with others either, but I can read people and I know something is up with you. So, what is it?"

"Nothing is wrong, Layla. I'm fine. Just had a very rough day."

"If you say so, but you can tell me anything if you need to. God, I need to stop hanging around Toretto, I'm starting to sound like him!"

Echo lightly laughed when Layla gaged at herself. It was always funny when Layla would want to help the crew in some way, and then say that she was hanging around Tony too much. He really has changed her along the time she had been apart of the crew.

"Speaking of Tony, when are you going to tell him?"

"Tell him what?"

"Your feelings?"

"Wa! I don't have feelings for Toretto!"

"Keep denying it all you want to, Layla, but I have two good eyes and I can see the connection between you and T."

"Just because we're partners in this whole gig doesn't mean I like him!"

"Your reaction is proving otherwise."

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