eight | hidden figures

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Yelena sat alone in the dimly lit apartment she shared with her sister, Natasha. The air was heavy with an unspoken tension that lingered from the Christmas gathering at the Avengers Compound. It had been days since the celebration, and Yelena found herself grappling with her conflicting emotions.

The weight of her mission and the truth about Clint Barton gnawed at her. The apartment, once a place of solace, now felt like a place where she only sulked. Yelena had been avoiding everyone, retreating into solitude to deal with turmoil that churned within her. The memories of her best friends haunted her. They had grown up together, even the years where they were brainwashed, at least they had each other. The knowledge that Clint Barton, the man she had once considered an ally, was responsible for their deaths fueled a burning desire for revenge.

As she sat in the silence of the apartment, Yelena's mind replayed the events of Christmas day. The laughter, the warmth, and the hero dynamics within the Young Avengers stood in stark contrast to the darkness that clung to Clint Barton's past actions. Avoidance became Yelena's coping mechanism, a shield against the emotions threatening to consume her. She couldn't face Natasha, the one person who had embraced her as family, with the truth of her mission. The thought of confronting Clint, a man who wore the face of her sister's friend and murderer, sent shivers down her spine.

Dealing with her inner turmoil, the days had seemed to blend together. The weight of her decisions is like a constant shadow over her. And with the new year creeping in, she's stuck between doing her duty, seeking revenge, and keeping ties with the very people she's trying to protect. The apartment walls have seen it all – her silent struggle, her internal battle. She's at a point where she doesn't really know which way to go.

To top it all off, Yelena hadn't exchanged a single word with Kate Bishop. The archer had been trying to reach out, sending texts and making calls, but Yelena didn't bother responding. In Yelena's mind, she assumed Kate just wanted to see her to distract herself from whatever was going on, like she usually did.

Oddly enough, Yelena found herself strangely indifferent to the radio silence between them. It wasn't that she didn't care; rather, it felt like a welcomed break from the chaos that surrounded her. The unspoken tension with Kate lingered, but Yelena convinced herself that she didn't mind the silence.

Deep down, though, she couldn't entirely ignore the nagging feeling that maybe, just maybe, she missed the banter, the distraction that Kate brought into her life. She refused to admit it openly, shielding herself from acknowledging the enjoyment she found in Kate's company. The archer's flirtatious charm had a peculiar way of breaking through Yelena's exterior, offering a respite from the weight of her responsibilities. Yet, admitting even a sliver of this truth felt like an admission of vulnerability, a notion Yelena wasn't too keen on embracing.

In a rare moment of distraction, Natasha quietly approached the apartment. Typically, the perceptive assassin would notice such movements even from several feet away. Yet, the distraction in Yelena's thoughts dulled her awareness, and she failed to acknowledge Natasha's entrance.

The door creaked open, revealing Natasha's silhouette against the dimly lit corridor. The redhead observed Yelena lost in thought, her usually sharp instincts were distracted by the weight of her internal struggles. Without uttering a word, Natasha entered the room, her presence not being noticed by her sister.

Natasha took a step into the apartment, her eyes narrowing as she observed Yelena's distracted state. The usual vigilance that defined the sisters' interactions seemed to be absent, making Natasha's entrance go unnoticed. Breaking the silence, Natasha spoke up.

"Yelena," she called out, her tone carrying a mix of concern and firmness. Yelena, startled by the sudden interruption of her thoughts, looked up to find Natasha standing there.

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