ten | a new companion

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The air in New York City was heavy with the scent of rain as storm clouds gathered in the evening sky. The city lights began to flicker to life, casting a warm glow over the bustling streets. The distant hum of traffic and the occasional patter of raindrops created a soothing melody.

As the last remnants of sunlight faded behind the towering buildings, darkness settled over the city. The vibrant, lively streets began to change, morphing into shadowy alleys and concealed corners. Neon signs flickered, casting erratic beams of light that only heightened the intensity of the dark streets.

Kate, clad in her Ronin suit, moved through the darkness like a predator. She moved quietly and swiftly through the dark alleyway. The quiet was only disrupted from the faint noise of cars and the occasional raindrops. Then it started to get louder, now that the rain was a steady drizzle.

She looked ahead, where her destination was located. A building that was tucked away from the prying eyes and the busy city. As Kate approached with quiet steps, her sense stayed sharp and intact. She made sure to be alert of any threats that came her way.

The creak of the old rusted door echoed as she quietly slipped through. Darkness was the only thing she could see besides the occasional flashes from the lighting outside. The air seemed to be thick as she walked more into the building.

Kate was led to a room with dim lighting. As she looked through the window, she was something that would remain in her mind forever. Black Widows stood talking business, unaware of Kate's presence.

She stood in the shadows, observing their every move, and listening to the low hum of their conversations. With each passing minute, Kate calculated every move they made, trying to find the right moment to attack.

As she got closer, she saw every one of their faces. Which would later be etched into her memory, and never be forgotten, even if she tried.

Kate watched as two Black Widows exited the dimly lit room. As they began to walk away, she calculated her next moves. She moved like a predator getting its prey.

The first strike was precise, the blade of the sword slicing right through the first Widow's back. She watched as the Widow tumbled to the ground.

The second Black Widow was stunned by the sudden assault. The Widow turned to face the enemy, but it was too late. Kate was too quick, her sword cut through the air once again. The blade sliced through the Widow, making her join the other on the ground.

Two down. Three more to go.

The sound of their bodies hitting the ground echoed through the dark abandoned building. The nearby hush conversations went silent. The Widow's sensed something was wrong. So Kate moved swiftly through the darkness, trying to get away.

The distant sound of hurried footsteps seemed to get louder and louder as she made her way through the darkness. Kate's breath quickened as she navigated through what seemed to be a maze of a building.

As she rounded a corner, she could hear their voices through the hall. Then suddenly they came into view. Kate's steps slowed as she observed them from a distance, a twinge of hesitation flashing across her eyes.

The Black Widows seemed engrossed in their discussion, perhaps a plan being made. Taking a deep breath, Kate steeled herself for the inevitable confrontation. She stepped into the room, her sword ready.

The atmosphere shifted as the Black Widows turned, their expressions transforming from casual conversation to high alert. In an instant, the room became a battleground.

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