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•at 12midnight!

The young gorgeous girl of about 15/16yrs started Descending the huge glass stairs, wearing on a robe and a towel carelessly draped over her head, two ladies elegantly clad in a dark forest-green and white uniform were coming after her carefully.

She suddenly halted to which the two ladies stopped as well. The lady that seems to be a little bit older than the other asked her if anything was wrong but she shook her head and ran off the stairs while giggling leaving them behind. She hates how they keep following her bumper to bumper, counting each and every step of hers, she's not a child for crying out loud; or so she taught.

The girl stepped into a very large leaving room. Everything about the room screams money! The workers of the house are moving around here and there, elegantly decked in their white bodycon shirt and a forest green mini sunray-pleat skirt. A white pantyhose and same colour of headdress made their look.

"Where is daddy!" She asked no one in particular to which all the workers in the leaving room turned to her, they all bowed their head at the same time and remained in the position.

"Oh please! Keep your freaking greetings to yourself and answer my question" She said leaning against the glass.

An elderly woman came into the leaving room from a large glass area immediately she heard the girl's impatient voice.

"Y'all should get back to work right now." she said to the workers without looking at them. The workers did as they were told and get back to work immediately.

"Your dad asked me to inform you yesterday that something urgent came up and he had to leave Nigeria this morning but when I went to meet you in your room, you were asleep" the woman explained to her.

"holy crap!" She exclaimed and stamped a foot out of [fake] annoyance.Whereas inwardly, she danced to the fact that he'd travelled again, now she's rest assured that her plan for the night will turn out a half percent perfect.

She vividly recalled the time when the woman came in to her room, she pretended to be asleep because she doesn't want the woman to ask her to pray isha prayer before going to sleep.

"Aunt, remember one of my childhood friends?Ariana?" The girl asked the woman after huffing for the umpteenth time.

"Aina, do you really have other friends that i don't know apart from your three for-lifers?"

The child called Aina scoffed while finding her way to a big lavender sofa, she collapsed on it while yawning and said "Yeah's whether you are supposed to know or not that's yours to worry about" the woman she called aunt looked at her and smile.

):Aina'u Siddiq is a 16yr old girl leaving in Abuja. Her father, Abbakar Siddiq Jaa is known as the richest man in the whole of Africa, a Nigerian man from zazzau.

What a very boring first part right?
Yh! I know
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I promise you'll like it 😂😭💊

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