Act Two: Drive+Talking=Recipe for Disaster

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The drive to the cabin wasn't long, only 30 minutes.

I made myself comfy in the passenger seat of Minhos car, putting my feet up like a true passenger princess.

"Take your feet down, Chae."

"And if I don't?"

"I'll turn into that murderer you were scared I already was."

I rolled my eyes and dropped my feet, crossing my arms with a huff of minty breath.

"You wanted to come here."

"You insisted I came, Min. Don't turn it around on me."

Min. Haven't called him that since preschool.

He sighed softly, shaking his head. "You know you'll still be my favorite person in the whole world, right? No matter how much I piss you off deliberately. You're my girl, Chae."

I blushed. He still remembers that?


Early September, 2010

Little Bright Minds Daycare is where you met Lee Minho. You guys were best friends to be honest. The only person you would talk to was Minho.

He was your everything. Your friend, your cuddle buddy. You guys had even used the bathroom together, knowing well enough to turn around. You both could not be separated.

One day, Minho came over with a paper. He had a crush on you.

 You were stunned to say the least, blushing furiously as you had also gained a crush on him

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You were stunned to say the least, blushing furiously as you had also gained a crush on him.

You took the paper and answered, handing it back to him with a flushed face, running back to the corner of the building and hiding your face in it.

You took the paper and answered, handing it back to him with a flushed face, running back to the corner of the building and hiding your face in it

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He had smiled shyly, running over to you.

"You really like me?!"

"..yes." You shook your head.

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