Act Twelve: Feeling Bold

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Minho drove me to school after we made a stop at my house so I could choose a nice outfit.

Minho drove me to school after we made a stop at my house so I could choose a nice outfit

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"Can't believe he screamed at me like that, my dad. This isn't even that bad."

"It's basically lingerie, Chae. You can't exactly be mad. But meet me in the library during free period. Go to the back where no one ever is." Minho winked at me, parting ways with me.

I walked to my chemistry class as everyone looked me up and down. I made faces back at the ones who were staring too hard for my liking and they looked down, surprised I'd even given them the time of day.


"Yes?" Jungkook suddenly sat up, making everyone laugh as it wasn't for him but me. "Sorry," he whispered, putting his head back down.

"Jeon Chaeryong, I mean. You're a minute late, why is that?"

"'s a minute. You'll live."

"Now, that's no way to-!"

"It is if you want your paycheck, Su-hyeon. Just start the lesson, 'kay?" I smiled, sitting next to the only other Jeon outside my family I knew.

"Badass. Want a puff?" Jungkook motioned to his hoodie sleeve.

"I don't vape, silly. You know this, we've been friends since middle school."

"I wonder why sometimes. We're so different and barely hang out anymore."

"But you're still my favorite Jungkook in the whole world," I squish his cheeks into a fish face, kissing his cheek after.

"So fuckin annoying, I swear." He whispered, irritated yet pink in the face. I smiled and paid attention to the lesson, not wanting to lower my grades.


"She's been planning something in that pretty little head of hers, I'm telling you." I say to Chan, Bin, Jungkook, and Tae as we wait for the girls or at least Chae to come from the bathroom.

"Maybe she just wants to rile you up because she's ovulating?" Chan says, taking a fry off Jungkooks plate, missing the glare he gets.

"Yeah. Girls have this thing and basically it's like horniness, you know?" Taehyung says, taking a fry from Jungkook but getting a direct stare this time. "I'm hungry. You're not even eating it." Taehyung looks Jungkook up and down before looking back at me.

"I'm sure it's not that easy-that's like saying periods are basically a bad time for girls when it's so much deeper than that." Changbin says, leaning back into his chair.

"When's our next free period?" I ask, changing the subject.

"After this next class, why?" Chan says, taking a sip of his coke.

"I told her to meet me in the library at the back."

"Ooh, for what?" Changbin moves his eyebrows as everyone else laughs.

"Take a wild guess. It's not supposed to be for that, I just wanna see her. But if it goes there, I'm not objecting." I shrug, now taking my own drink and sipping of the straw.

"Will she show? If she's planning something, as you say, wouldn't she be avoidant? She kissed me on the cheek this morning all platonically-lovingly-like. Weird." Jungkook says. The cheek kissing part doesn't make me feel weird, just curious as to what she's doing.

"Did she say anything else to you during class? Anything she might not want me to know?"

"Oh! She did say that she was gonna invite you over later for some 'fun', as she described it. If that doesn't sound like plans then I don't know what does." Jungkook shrugged, shoving a fistful of fries in his mouth.

"What?" he asked through his full mouth, looking at Chan and Taehyung. "I can't eat my own fries?" Jungkook mumbled, watching as the two looked at him in disgust.

"Guys, focus-what could she possibly be planning? Nothing important is coming up, right?"

"Maybe she's feeling bold, trying to purposely rile you up. Make you want her-"

"Like I want her." Changbin said dreamily, hissing at the smack he got across the head. "I was joking! There are other girls in the world, jeez."

"They're better be. That one's mine-I simply don't know how many times I have to say it but the next time I do, I'll slap you across the head instead of one of them. And you won't like it." Changbin just grinned and shook his head.

"Been whipped for years he can't even take a joke anymore, am I right?" To which no one laughed. He cleared his throat and motioned for me to continue.

"What if-"

"Hey, boys," Chae suddenly came over with Momo, Mina, and Sana at her heels. I gulped and she winked at me, sitting extremely close to me.

"Whatcha guys talking about?" Sana asked, taking a fry off Jungkooks plate. They were actually dating...or in a three-way relationship with Mina. I don't know but whatever it was, Jungkook said he was living life.

"Nothing. Just boy stuff." Changbin sighed, sighing harder and airier when he spotted his actual crush walking down the middle row of tables.

"Oh my god. It's-"

"We know. Jeez, just ask her out already. She won't say no-I wouldn't." Chaeryong said with a smirk on her face. Changbin blushed, huffed out a big breath, and walked towards his crush. And I turned to Chae, face stone.

"What? I'm just helping his self esteem."

"That's certainly not the way to do it when you got a boyfriend right here." I seethed, narrowing my eyes.

"Sorry, Sir. I'll just let him feel insecure." She smiled. The remaining boys were just as shocked as I was when she called me Sir.

"Minho-ah, you got a kink we don't know about?" Chan teased.

"Yeah, that's new. What else do you call him, Chae?"

"Oh, you know-" My hand flew to her mouth. She didn't call me anything. Maybe the boys were right-she's trying to rile me up.

"The most she screams is 'faster min, faster!' I mocked her moaning, which had the whole table laughing and her ears turning red. I let go of her mouth and she made a face at me.

"Feeling bold, you are Minho. I'll get you back, trust."

"I don't trust. But, yeah, sure. Get me back all you want, babe." I came all up in her face, smirking at the last words. She kissed me and got up, taking the girls with her.

"Forget the library. Come to my house all late and shit, I have a surprise." She smiled, turning and walking away with a sway of her hips. I bit my bottom lip as I watched her walk away, turning to Chan and Jungkook.

"She's gonna get me so hard I'll jerk in the bathroom." Chan groaned and Jungkook laughed, reaching over to high five me, which I did.

"I wonder what she has." Jungkook said, finishing his last fry with a sad pout.

"I don't know but I'll buy you some Five Guys after school, 'kay?" He smiled, fixing his glasses.

*not like glasses glasses but he's dressed like that one bts festa where yoongi says he loves jimin and jimin like dies. idk if yk, yk

"My man," he laughed.

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