Chapter 1: Before

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It was late at night. I was curled up in my bed in the dark room, my lover curled up next to me. Our breathing and heartbeats synchronized. It was about three in the morning. Something buried deep within the nightstand on my side of the bed began to vibrate violently. Our groans of disturbance from sleep were also amusingly synchronized. "What is it?" she asked. "I don't know," I replied. "It must be something important then. You should probably answer it," she said, yawning. I dug through the drawer of the night stand and found the source of the noise. It was my old burner phone I had used when I was in the army. It was ringing. I picked up the phone hesitantly. "Hello?" I rasped into the mouth piece. "What is your call sign?" a voice I had never heard before spoke on the other line. His tone was short, but serious. "Call sign? Ugh. It's been years since I've used it,"  I replied. "What is it?" he asked stubbornly. "It's Grim," I said. "Grim..." he said. "Yes, that's what I said. The hell are you doing calling me? I've been out of the service for years!" I snapped. "Get dressed, grab your things, we're rolling out in fifteen." he stated. "Rolling out?! The hell? What's happened?" I asked. "No questions," he said. "Just grab your things and be in the middle of the street in fifteen minutes, got it? We'll explain everything, just be ready." The call ended before I could protest. "What did he say?" my spouse asked. "He wants me to be dressed and ready, standing in the middle of the road in fifteen." I said. "I thought you got out of the army years ago?" she asked. "I thought so too" I said, kicking my feet over the edge of the bed and rising to a standing position. "So why are they calling you in?" she asked. "I don't know," I said. I changed into a fresh pair of boxers and socks, pulled on some camouflage cargo pants, and a dark gray T-shirt. I tucked the shirt into the waist band of the pants and fastened my belt through the loops of the pants. I slipped on and tied my boots individually, rolling my pant legs over them once I finished. I clipped on a watch and para cord bracelet on my right arm. I put on my identification tags around my neck. Underneath, I had my cross pendant, tucked under my shirt, close to my heart. I put on my knee support pads.  I took a moment in my bustle of getting ready to pause and admire my wedding band. It was a radiant, pure black, titanium alloy ring. It had my spouse's name written on the inside of it. I was thankful for it, and what it symbolized. I dug through my closet and pulled out my old personal service gear I had brought home. I fastened a sheath, containing my service combat knife, to my belt, and strapped it to my left thigh. On my right thigh, I fastened an empty universal hard shell handgun holster. I lifted my plate carrier and backpack combo over my head and clipped the side clips together. The last thing in the bottom of the closet, which was buried by everything else, was a cotton gator with a skull print on it. I pulled it out and ran my fingers over each of the teeth on the mask's face. So many memories. I slipped it over my head and let it rest around my neck, bunched up.  I was ready. I sat back down on the bed, and turned to face her. She looked back at me with this expression of sadness. She looked at me this very same way when I was called in for deployment. It felt like I was being called to war all over again. This time felt a little different though. "Don't look at me like that! It's not like it's the end of the world. I'll be back in a couple of months and everything will be fine and dandy!" I reassured her. "I'll come back. You know I will! I always come back." I said. She didn't look convinced. I kissed her on her lips. "There, keep that warm for me until I get back. I want my kiss back!" I half jokingly and half seriously said. She smiled grimly. I put my hands on either side of her face and brought my forehead to hers. "I will be okay, and I will come back for you, I promise." I said. "You can tell me all you want, it won't stop me from worrying about you." She said. I stood, and kissed her forehead. "I have to get going now. I love you." I walked out of the bedroom, down the hall, and I was by the front door in a moment. I opened the door, and left, and made sure to close it behind me with care. I was down the driveway and into the street now. I had two minutes to spare. I heard my escort coming from the distance though. The sound of helicopter blades cutting through the air could be heard from a mile away. The Boeing CH-47 Chinook personnel carrier became slightly visible in the dark sky as it approached rapidly. Before it got too near, making hearing impossible, my spouse had crept up behind me. She hugged me from behind and rested her head on my shoulder. I turned to face her and returned the hug.  She put her mouth to my ear and whispered "I know you have to do this, so I won't stop you. Go save the world Bubs." And with that she walked back to the house, standing in the frame of the front door to see me off. The aircraft gently touched down in the middle of the street. I boarded it. No one attempted to speak to me. No one even gave a sideways glance in my direction, let alone a friendly smile. The co-pilot jammed a headset into my hands. I put it on. I leaned towards the direction of the open hatch in the back, as to see my wife for one last brief moment.  She smiled and waved at me and I waved back, followed by a short salute. The door closed automatically and we lifted off...

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