Chapter 6: Hunt

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My eyes peeped open with the morning light. I sat up on the luxurious bed. I rubbed my eyes and blinked several times, soaking in the surroundings. There were two short quick knocks at my door. "Come in?" I said, slightly puzzled. A short female came into the room and smiled at me. She wore a pretty little black dress. She had slicked back brown hair and bright little brown eyes. "We've made breakfast downstairs if you would like some, sir," she said politely. "Yeah, that will be great, I'll come down in a moment," I said. She stepped out of the room, gently closing the door behind her. 'Wow', I thought to myself. Bed and breakfast. This old man Cyrus must really need me here after all. I rose from my bed and stretched. The bed was too comfy for my liking. I walked over to the window and looked over the community. A lot of people were awake and working, even this early. It was a happy community. And quite peaceful. These people were weak. Most of them knew not what it was like to fight. This community was at risk. In this world, where violence solves all problems, I worried for the fate of my new home. I changed from my filthy clothing and dressed in some checkered lounge pants, a plain grey t-shirt, and a robe that matched the pants. I wandered out of my room and down the stairs. The guards glared at me. I smiled back pleasantly. Now that Cyrus liked me, they couldn't touch me. I walked into a grand dining room with a long and luxurious table, which Cyrus was sitting alone at, eating his meal. He sat at the end of the long table, with rows of chairs on either side of the table. I pulled out the chair nearest his left and sat. "Good morning Mr.Grim," he said in a relaxed tone. "You read my file?" I said with a twinge of annoyance in my voice. "Of course I did! I need to know who I'm working with. And by God you are one hell of a candidate," he said. "That's exactly why I didn't want you  knowing my name. There are people here from my past life and it's best for them if they think of me as dead," I told him. "Well, your secret is safe with me," he said. The servant girl came out carrying a tray and placed it in front of me. It had silverware, a neatly folded napkin, a vegetable omelette, a piece of buttered and jelly toast, and an empty glass. "What would you like to drink?" she asked in her sweet tone. "You got any whiskey?" I asked in return. "We don't have any alcoholic beverages in the house," Cyrus snapped sternly. "Oh well. A black coffee will do," I said. "I'll be right back," she said with a smile, walking away with a slight happy bounce in her step. "Is she always so energetic?" I asked. "Most of the time," Cyrus said. "The day that she isn't is the day I wear a flower in my hair all day," he said jokingly. She came back out with a whole pot of freshly brewed coffee. She poured me a glass. I thanked her, to which she responded with a little smile and a curtsy. Cyrus spoke again. "So, after you finish eating and getting changed back into your clothing, we can go through the workshops in the community to look for things you need," he said. "People will just make things for me? Things that I need?" I asked. "Well if I tell them too, yes," he said in a 'why wouldn't they' kind of manor. I didn't say another word and kept eating my food. I studied Cyrus quietly. The afternoon before, I hadn't gotten a good enough look at him. He was slightly shorter than me. He stood with a hunch, likely due to older age. I estimated he would be about in his late sixties, maybe early seventies. He wore half rimmed spectacles. His face was clean shaven and well defined. He had short grey and black hair that was shaped well and was neatly trimmed and tidy. His short hair on top of his head faded into short shaved hair on the sides and back. He had a large nose and piercing blue eyes. He also had a medium sized scar near his left ear. I had wondered where it came from.  I stood and began to walk to the door after I finished eating. "Come down and meet me in the foyer in five minutes," he said. I lifted my arm and gave him the thumbs up without even turning to look at him. I left the room, walking past the two lovely armed gentlemen, and went upstairs. I undressed from my temporary wear and back into my filthy clothing. I hoped that when I returned from my assignment he would reward me with a fresh pair of clothing, a shower, and my gear back. After suiting up, lacking my weaponry, I went back downstairs and met up with Cyrus once more...

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