Chapter 12: New Order

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I awoke to the noise of the cellar doors clanking open. I was forced to my feet and dragged out of the room. I was dragged back to the platform and thrown at the feet of Cyrus. I looked up at him, hate burning in my eyes. "Do you have any final words, before we begin, Mr. Grim?" he asked. I looked at him with this look that said it all. I knew he could feel my burning hatred tear into his very being. "I guess not then," he said with a smirk. "I'm gonna kill you," I said through gritted teeth. "Threats won't be necessary. I am not intimidated nor am I afraid of a man on his knees, about to be slaughtered for his crimes," he said.  "You cannot kill what is already dead," I told him. "Okay... Sure... Ring the bell. I want this to be public," he said to one of his men. They did. The bell tolled three times. Many people attended, but not everyone was present, especially the children. Maria and Elijah were among the missing. Aaron and John looked on in disappointment. William looked satisfied with what was about to take place. The others I had spoken to yesterday looked disheartened. They would have no one to lead them once I was gone. I looked at the ground, shaking my head. "I bring you all here today, to witness the execution of a man who has committed treason against the Refuge, and first degree murder against one of its citizens," he said. He drew a chrome and gold plated Beretta 9mm handgun from a concealed holster. He handed it to one of his men. The man took it and placed its barrel against the back of my head. My jaw clenched. "Any last words from the accused?" he asked. "Judge, jury, and executioner. Go to hell," I said. With that, I looked up, making direct eye contact with Sophia. She mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' in between tears. Two gunshots rang out..

I was still breathing. I looked around behind me. Cyrus was now on the ground next to me, bleeding slightly from a bullet hole in the back of his thigh. As for the man who pointed the gun at me, he was dead. I stood. Maria approached from behind, stepping up onto the platform. She aimed the gun at the remaining guards of Cyrus. "Don't just stand there, shoot her!" he shouted. I bent down and picked up the pistol from the dead guard. Its rubberized grip felt nice in my hand. It was a pretty instrument of death. I pulled back the slide half way to ensure it still had more ammo in its chamber. Maria approached the other two guards, disarming them. Maria threw the one handgun off of the platform. She now held a pistol in each hand. She got both of the guards on their knees, facing the crowd. I forced Cyrus from his sideways sitting position onto his knees. I put my left hand firmly on his left shoulder. I leaned down and pressed my mouth up to his ear. "I told you," I said blankly. "No, you can't," he stammered. "Shut up!" I shouted at him. I raised the handgun into the air and fired once. "Now that I have everyone's attention, let me be very clear," I began. "This man before you is not the man he portrays himself to be, I'm sure that's obvious. He is two faced, and a tyrant. He has lied to you countless times and has cheated many of you out of your goods. He takes, purely for the sake of benefiting himself. When I first arrived here, he had me hunt down and kill his own grandson. Many of you knew him, his name is Bill," I told them. "'Is'? You mean he is still alive?" Cyrus said hysterically. "Yes, he is still alive. Unlike you, my mercy prevails," I said to him sickly. "Now. Sitting before you, this weak, cunning, little rat is put on trial. I say he's guilty of endangering the greater good of the people for self benefit! If you agree, raise your hand," I shouted. Several people within the crowd agreed and raised their hand in approval. There were more people in favor than those who were against. "From now on, this dictatorship will become a democracy. Everyone gets a say because decisions this man used to make-" I said, pulling back his head with his  short thin gray hair and pointing the handgun at his throat. "His decisions put many of your lives in danger. He made decisions based purely on self benefit and gain, not even considering the lives and opinions of his so-called 'citizens'," I shouted. I threw his head forward and placed the gun barrel on the back of his head, much like the position I was in moments before. "Any last words of the accused?" I mimicked him. "You'll burn for this. You'll get them all killed! You'll see! You all will see! He will be the death of this community!" he shouted. "I'm sick of your voice," I said slyly. He spat on the platform. I primed back the hammer of the pistol and pulled the trigger. He keeled over, limp. The hole in the back of his head, still slightly smoldering. I turned to Maria. "Waste them," I said. She fired both handguns simultaneously, killing both of the men.  I faced the crowd. "Anyone else still loyal to Cyrus and his way of doing things, can join him where he lays!" I shouted, gesturing to the lifeless body. "As for everyone else. A new order is born!" I said triumphantly...

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